Frage von V-Tex:Hello,
'd build me a stady cam was already synonymous with Hobbythek. gibts ne other side detailiiertem to build yourself? built must participate in a month, but would max. ¬ 40 spend at Hobbythek is 30 ¬ ... you have tips?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Steadicam Steadycam or is the thing.
Otherwise: SEARCH FIND
Whoever responds with the appropriate links, supports only Search incompetence and laziness.
Antwort von V-Tex:
I've already not complain,
Antwort von PowerMac:
I've already not complain, you must not complain!
Antwort von V-Tex:
else I can help save jmd powermac? jetze I am much more than before next ne?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Steadycam: The search yielded 84 results.
You've certainly read through all of them. For there is in it all synonymous. Incl. Links and prices.
Antwort von ludwig.s:
I'm synonymous, the details are much too bulky, can begin to nix
Antwort von Markus:
Hi Gerrit,
the search with the term "Steadicam (see above) the correct name, I would recommend you synonymous. Who you postet a link here, this has previously identified with the SuFu. And why should not the person to look after, who would be interested?
A tip to conclude: Look for posts that were viewed most often. It's almost all been there before. ;-)