Frage von holymoly:
I've got some desire and would like to know if I can implement the synonymous, as I want. 've already searched the forum for this topic, but found nothing concrete.
So I will have a menu in a statuesque run a video, with the background image of the menus should be the same statuesque of the film. The video is approximately 20 percent while taking the whole picture.
Now the question is: how can I assign to this video a size and a precise fixed position in the standbild.
which should look something like this:
[code: 1: c8a221e6d8] _______________
| Standbild |
| _______ |
| | Video | |
| |_______| |
|_______________|[/ code: 1: c8a221e6d8]
sufficient for this premiere, or you have to buy any after effects (which must be yes nich), or I get the garnich out.
Antwort von steveb:

it would work synonymous with Encore ...
Antwort von mensch-production:

Hi holy moly,
If I understood correctly, you want a Picture in Picture (Pip Picture in Picture). That should do with any common editing programs let (Aprem I do not know): image clip to a video track, video overlay on track, moving over to put video and Size heading and choose the video clip.
Antwort von holymoly:

Thanks for the quick reply.
:: 1:: encore - well, the average window is so stylistically and funktionär s.das of premiere created - would be ma, I think the same process.
But how? Yes, it is functional in the encore, a video as a button mitselbst definable size and position can abspieln - that is aber nich what I want, because in the video of me want to do s.end of videos in total in what window. this possibility, I would have liked as a functional section in the window.
:: 2:: that's what I've already tried, but I get it with out no trace of the overlay - once begins in the overlay track, a new clip, the old broken (whether with or without nu crossfade and so zeugs) -
where you can Define the set for you? also hab ich nich figure out how to get the position and can adjust to the format down. anything with drag and drop or change of size four corners of points s.den type of videos (such as the time in the fall was magix) - I'd have no problem synonymous position coordinates and pixel dimensions of hand -
but where, when as part of a solid to a background image positioned to run videos? so if anyone has experience, would be nice if he could describe ma, how he did it. schonmal thanks in advance - jan
Antwort von steveb:

You describe exactly what had a guy on the Adobe Live Meeting demonstrated in cologne. However, (sorry) had used the synonymous AEffects for it.
Antwort von Jörg:

read the third I do not know what you really want to do.
A PiP not to be it seems, that would be already described, is synonymous accomplished quite simply. So you want a menu with a video button?
Then export your silence as a menu in Encore, create a video button, which you assign the previously created video. In Mnü You have enabled animated buttons, you render the motion menus, and everything should fit.
Wars meant? else ....?? If there really is only to be Pip: Take the mouse, put your picture on the right monitor to your desired level, Move it, done. Animating with scale, the same feeling: clip on track 2 or higher -> Effect Settings -> Position and. Ifs still stuck -> F1
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von holymoly:

na yes it's what you have described as the second part. it should be a ViP (video to picture).
Take the mouse, put your picture on the right monitor to your desired level, Move it, done. Animating with scale, the same feeling: clip on track 2 or higher -> Effect Settings -> Position and. you mean in the book now, or at least in the premiere encore? well, but sounds plausible. And since I try werds s.wochenende obs report works ud looks like it should.
[was required and is is a dvd menu with background image on which a monitor. This monitor will jump button to print and various filmchen show. I hope that the video starts up without having to see a überblendung of gesmten bildes. The menu will remain visible at least in part, but yes you get out without problem.
I will certainly still got it right that the rest of the image with the video exposes what ansich's not a problem - only the synonymous to the rhythm of the intensity of the light pass through - virtually flicker. ma see if I can still synonymous hinbekomm] for tips and I am still very ear stay. Thank you.
The holy mole
Antwort von holymoly:

ok - habs hinbekommen had - was actually easier than cih thought. It's the same now, as I have thought it did and it looks really good. thanks again.