Frage von Michael Mueller:
especially in the c't I read that in September, a Kenwood approximately
EUR 350 expensive netwerkfähigen DVD Players announced ...
I know that some Highendler on selbstgebastelte or
perhaps even with PC recorded videos nose hulls and we
need the synonymous here garnicht next discuss ... I think it's great
and the combination DVD player / streamer is exactly what I'm looking for! :-)
My questions are: do I need for such a compulsory part of the likewise
Kenwood Receiver offered? Or can I simply synonymous sowas s.eine
Stereo? (I know, then there is nothing with surround and so --
I need not necessarily synonymous, but ...)?
There's sort of synonymous other (reputable) sellers? Surely Read
but some of you here synonymous journals; is sowas
generally on the rise? Or will the exotic to stay?
Merci greetings
Antwort von Jens Hoerburger:

On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 09:59:250200, Michael Mueller
> Gibt's sort of synonymous other (reputable) sellers?
I liebäugle yes with this thing:Þtail&id $ 6827
Click on the link to Tom Hardware Guide, to the full article
read ....
lg jens
Antwort von Michael Mueller:
> I liebäugle yes with this thing:
> Http://Þtail&id $ 6827
... I do not ... The thing is no network!
Antwort von Jens Hoerburger:
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 10:34:580200, Michael Mueller
>> I liebäugle yes with this thing:
>> Http://Þtail&id $ 6827
> ... I do not ... The thing is no network!
Oh, yes. That bothers me synonymous. You would have to stop at the movies
external hard drive to play. But there is an alternative, the
However, not reinitialized with unpacking-finished to achieve:
An XBox Häcken. Is halt with little effort, but
you can codecs, player updates and much more ....
lg Jens
Antwort von Christian Lotze:
wrote / wrote:
> Gibt's sort of synonymous other (reputable) sellers? Surely
> Read some of you here synonymous relevant
> Journals; sowas is generally on the rise? Or will the
> Exotic stay?
Philips Streamium series (, are already partly synonymous
available, I liebäugele with the SL400i.
IIRC was synonymous in the last c't a test of such devices.
Gruß, Christian
Antwort von Michael Mueller:
> Philips Streamium series (, are already partly synonymous
> Available, I liebäugele with the SL400i.
> IIRC was synonymous in the last c't a test of such devices.
... yes, but the one I was missing because the comparison to the "old masters"
Pinnacle ShowCenter and the others were all sooo not hit the ...
Moreover haste but then again two devices rumstehen. I find that yes
just the practical s.dem Kenwood device ...
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:
Jens Hörburger wrote:
>>> I liebäugle yes with this thing:
>>> [AOpen MVP Player]
>>... I do not ... The thing is no network!
> Oh, yes. That bothers me synonymous. You would have to stop at the movies
> external hard drive to play.
There are two possibilities.
Manufacturer uses a s.der for whatever reason always synonymous
documented format - then you save with a matching
Program, but only found synonymous and will be paid,
actually the films
b) the manufacturer uses an undocumented format. Then
Although you can the contents of the hard drive copy, but that there
just a movie as if you have a consignment of encrypted
Premiere at HD and have the copy.
I'm just about synonymous, a powerful HD Receiver to look.
Only the fear of 200 euros or more in an impasse on
Investing does not like me and keeps me from so far.
> But there is an alternative, but not with unpacking-finished reinitialized to realize is:
> An XBox Häcken. Is halt with little effort, but
> you can codecs, player updates and much more ....
And from the money saved synonymous equal Oropax buy. The thing is a PC
with fans and hard drive. In addition to the PIII/700 no reserves
has. If PC, then right.
Doping tests for athletes from the Olympics? Beautiful and good.
But when there are finally drug tests for the Rapporteur?