Frage von HD-MAX:
moin moin,
have just a super panoramic HD clip for free download in the net found:
Is exactly the right thing for our complains .... Bad weather.
Gruß Max
Antwort von Axel:

Heard in the category "LI HD (high definition, low interest). Boring.
Antwort von Rene K:

adapts to einschläfrigen weather! stimmt.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

down to the water in the pool to see the colors like in the 60s-Heimatfilm (not meant pejoratively ...), but otherwise agrees ... gäääähn ...
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Kanalratte:

Now times are not so negative.
Note only the harmonic wave motions, which are synonymous in the vase to the left to find. In stark contrast to the wild in the wind bend the branches of the bush next to the statue.
Almost forgot: A unique scenario in which no towels on the benches are located.
Antwort von HD-MAX:

... was not aware that here in the forum are just action fans.
Take it out a little time to relax, then you will see after some time, maybe a girl in the pool and then jumps to one of the couches and establishes itself in the sun rekelt.
So I can send me the whole day watch. Preferably live.
Gruß Max:)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Previously in SD could guess whether the girl was dressed synonymous or not, in HD you can now see even the Igelnasen.
So this is really progress ;-)))
Antwort von Jake the rake:
... was not aware that here in the forum are just action fans.
Take it out a little time to relax, then you will see after some time, maybe a girl in the pool and then jumps to one of the couches and establishes itself in the sun rekelt.
So I can send me the whole day watch. Preferably live.
Gruß Max:) this is the loop too bad cut ...
Antwort von HD-MAX:

this is the loop to cut bad ...[/ quote]
cut? You specialist! You have to see the HD clip download, not the flash clip on the page.
Antwort von eXp:

... hab mir synonymous of the trailer where sucked in 1080i and must say the material has in Full-HD already a bold resolution.
Thanks for the tip!