Frage von Ennovy:
I hope there are many bright minds, the synonymous like an absolute
Beginners help next. Here I have often browse and find
but not really the solution to my problems. Now I have just registered myself here and simply ask questions of my own views:
1st) I have a graphics card: ATI Radeon 9200 128MB DVI + TV-out.
Would it be theoretically possible (video processing technology software I have
because a lot) with a scart to DVI cable (is there really ... dub) of a conventional VCR to my PC and
to burn it to DVD or VCD? .... or I absolutely need a
Graphics card with RCA connectors or a TV card?
2) I was using about 2 years ago times of my mini-DV camcorder
a Firewire port, and Pinnacle Studio 7 video on my PC
transmitted and then burned. Unfortunately, the picture flickers
then render (after the so-called "" - no idea what
this is really about going out like this it is only for the compression of data ...?) as the air over hot asphalt during the summer .... Besides, everything runs a bit faster than the original.
After I had taken with the support of Pinnacle Contact
I have received answers with which I started as nothing Beginners
Could and was asked for some codes, which I null
Idea did. Ultimately, I've given up erstmal make just a
Baby got no more time and therefore had. Now Baby
over 2 years and now I want these videos soon once synonymous digital
and can be seen next.
Now I am actually thank you for your help!
Antwort von Fan29:

For 2.)
Sounds like the famous Feldreihenfolgen-/bzw. halbbildreihenfolgenproblem! Have you seen the video s.Computer or s.Television? Wow, check out both out and check whether the picture flickers on both devices!
Antwort von Markus:

to 1) I am not a fan of the Capturing analog AV signals via TV or graphics card, because there are simply too many uncertainties. If you're interested s.einer reliable solution, look in the following contribution:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect and capture images
-> 1 (c) Why do not capture using graphics card, TV card or video grabber?
-> 3 If the setter is analogous
I do not believe also that the DVI connection s.der graphics card could be an input. Rather, I think that it is a pure, and the DVI output is Scart adapter is intended for the purpose, if anyone would like to join one television as second monitor s.den computer.
Antwort von Fan 29:
For 2.)
Sounds like the famous Feldreihenfolgen-/bzw. halbbildreihenfolgenproblem! Have you seen the video s.Computer or s.Television? Wow, check out both out and check whether the picture flickers on both devices! Hello Fan29,
very bad it is watching on the television.
On the PC, the quality is really good, but not synonymous.
Disturbing is just synonymous, that rang everything faster than in reality.
What does this mean and how can I Feldreiehnfolgenproblem
solve it?
Thank you!
Antwort von Ennovy:

Hello Mark!
Your answer was very helpful. This all sounds very good and logical!
If I have that A / D converter, so I can with my existing Firewire cable to my firewire port and one synonymous
VCR to hook up? I've read through your link and think
that he has the best is what I've read on this subject.
When I hear what others have problems with TV card on capturing and then next ....
The DVI port of the output is only one I've almost assumed
which will then probably be as synonymous.
Very nice that people like you are, the good humor of the other
Help people, otherwise you would in many areas but not at all
come next.
So again thank you!
Antwort von Fan29:

Hmm, with which codec did you transfer video to the PC?
And with what codec did you create the final video? Or did you burn it straight to DVD, if so with what settings? (Bitrate ,...)
Because of the Halbbildreihenfolgenproblem: Such simple times here in the forum by field order or something ... ;-)
(But can you ever stop at the Studio 7? Nich now I know ...)
Antwort von Markus:
If I have that A / D converter, so I can with my existing Firewire cable and connect my Firewire port synonymous VCR? Yes, with a proper A / D converter is the capturing of analog video recordings easily. Otherwise I would certainly not recommend this approach. ;-) Previously consider whether your digital camcorder is also an A / D converter has function. Some models can use the fact synonymous.
Synonymous Thanks for your nice compliment! I am glad if you Was the contribution.
Antwort von Ennovy:
If I have that A / D converter, so I can with my existing Firewire cable and connect my Firewire port synonymous VCR?
Yes, with a proper A / D converter is the capturing of analog video recordings easily. Otherwise I would certainly not recommend this approach. ;-) Previously consider whether your digital camcorder is also an A / D converter has function. Some models can use the fact synonymous.
Synonymous Thanks for your nice compliment! I am glad if you Was the contribution. Hi Mark, took me a few days, now I can back my "problem"
: focus
Question 1: I Have a description of the A / D converter on the Page of digitally cut considered. There is that my needs an additional power supply: Quote:
"if your PC / laptop does not have 6-pin FireWire jack has, with the current is gespeißt. Have I read through the description of my interface. The connector is 6-pin. How do I know now whether there is electricity in there car synonymous .......?
Frage2: You said I should first check whether my camera once an A / D converter has integrated. Now in my description the following:
1.) recording of the content of other devices
1.1. Analog) Digital Conversion:
"If the camcorder is connected s.ein other digital video device via its data processing times, can be incorporated into the analog form of an external device captured images to the digital video recorder via the DV-Male." Does that mean now that he can do it? Sorry, I know I have zero idea, but that's why I'm so glad that I ask you! :-)
My camera is the way: Panasonic NV-DS65EG. Was not grad
cheap. Perhaps she has what's on it for money.
What I would do it to my VCR with the camera to
" Connect My VCR only has scart connection.
(New video recorders were not the problem, is due sometime anyway).
Again, very dear thanks for your help!
Antwort von Markus:
1.1. Analog) Digital Conversion:
"If the camcorder is connected s.ein other digital video device via its data processing times, can be incorporated into the analog form of an external device captured images to the digital video recorder via the DV-Male." Hello ennovy,
such a formulation can be found only in truly manuals! To put it: Yes means that your camcorder can assume the function of an A / D converter. Connect the VCR has a scart adapter with the right camcorder, and turn the camcorder via Firewire with the Calculator. Maybe you still have to make an adjustment s.Camcorders to be digitized, the AV signals (AV = Audio / Video).
Here you'll see a switchable scart-RCA adapter ... it is what you still need?
zum Bild For completeness a brief Question 1: A 6-pin Firewire connector usually provides more power. ;-)
Antwort von wrunge:
1.1. Analog) Digital Conversion:
"If the camcorder is connected s.ein other digital video device via its data processing times, can be incorporated into the analog form of an external device captured images to the digital video recorder via the DV-Male."
Hello ennovy,
such a formulation can be found only in truly manuals! To put it: Yes means that your camcorder can assume the function of an A / D converter. Connect the VCR has a scart adapter with the right camcorder, and turn the camcorder via Firewire with the Calculator. Maybe you still have to make an adjustment s.Camcorders to be digitized, the AV signals (AV = Audio / Video).
Here you'll see a switchable scart-RCA adapter ... it is what you still need?
zum Bild
For completeness a brief Question 1: A 6-pin Firewire connector usually provides more power. ;-) Hi Mark,
I love it! So, there I should not have much money to spend ...
Echt super! Synonymous Would a Scart to RCA cable or must go
it is the part with the switch (to be) in -/Output?
0Was you would like me to do as a program. I did as I said, the
Of Pinnacle Studio 7. If so synonymous now a few years old, but
handling of the war's not bad. Then I'm still synonymous NeroVision Express3. I have not tried this yet, but you know you
determined from!
Again many, many thanks!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

The MPEG2 encoder in Studio 7 null and good for nothing. The encoder then provides fuzzy videos. Only s.Studio 8 is the MPEG-2 encoders have improved. I recommend the Express of Canopus Procoder for encoding the AVI Files of Studio 7 used, if Studio is not updated 7th
Antwort von Markus:

Hello ennovy,
You can, of course, synonymous take a Scart-RCA cable. If there are scart inputs and outputs and in conjunction with the RCA Scart connector,
either an input
or output. In this case you would need a scart input, because the signals from the recorder to get so into the cable into it.
Alternatively, you could use a cable synonymous with switchable scart plug. Then you are on the secure page, the connection with one of the two switch positions in any case is concluded.
Regarding video editing programs ...
look at yourself. ;-)
Antwort von prem:
The MPEG2 encoder in Studio 7 null and good for nothing. The encoder then provides fuzzy videos. Only s.Studio 8 is the MPEG-2 encoders have improved. I recommend the Express of Canopus Procoder for encoding the AVI Files of Studio 7 used, if Studio is not updated 7th Hello Bruno Peter
thank you - just as my experiences are synonymous! I reached a total bad video quality with Studio 7th Shall I well what else to try!
Antwort von Ennovy:

Hi Mark,
already a few days ago when you gave me helpful tips
have. I am working myself slowly with my next problem.
Now I have come across the following:
I have gained Pinnacle Studio 9. I had already Studio 7 on it.
I have previously removed properly. Unfortunately I can not install Studio 9 to the end. I'm up for registration at Pinnacle, that's it then. There is no error but the program
not on it.
I've tried a few times (always System
on the day before made), but always the same.
How can it be?
Have already put the question on the forum, but since I still nobody
replied, "I thought," I say you still at it.
Best regards, ennovy
Antwort von Markus:

Hello ennovy,
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Pity was so cheap!
Pinnacle Studio 7, I was not so bad (so have no comparisons but the quality was just :-)), s.end not so great.
Someone told me with Sudio 9 would do it better.
The other things were to me far too expensive.
Nevertheless, thanks for your answer.