Frage von CreateDreams:
digitalis want my old analog video tapes and still need to the appropriate hardware (be external or internal) can
what gets me because it should?
really do not need any additional schnickschnack like ipod converter or something, just so that the audio / visual quality comes across well and you can use it to digitally cut acuh etc. ..
ask for help and got lost in the review of the many products.
thanks, mfg
Antwort von Markus:

regardless of what s s analog / s Video System / You want to digitize, look at the article
Five Ways to digitize Video8/Hi8 too. Most of the procedures set out therein synonymous applies to other systems.
There you will find a link to recommended synonymous A / D converters or a dealer for that very.
More info:
Canopus ADVC-55, -110 or -300 buy: What about it?
Antwort von CreateDreams:

thanks for the reply. very well described.
naja A camera just for me that I'll not buy now, but in such a converter is only which one.
'd still cool when the converter an analog antenna connection hatt, so I can watch tv s.pc .....
thanks, mfg
Antwort von Markus:

A serious A / D converter has no antenna input. Maybe you added to your investment at an inexpensive TV card for the reception of TV programs?
Antwort von CreateDreams:

ok, so which A / D converter is to take your opinion seriously? ask for some suggestions.
With sowas will not do? card-NEW-Gar_W0QQitemZ270012163475QQihZ017QQcategoryZ38863QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
thanks, mfg
Antwort von Markus:
... which A / D converter is to take your opinion seriously? ask for some suggestions. You will find the already mentioned next. ;-)
with sowas [tv card] is not it? Your request was good quality and the possibility of video editing. TV cards are not as optimal, since they often provide only compressed video formats, but not a high-quality cuttable DV-AVI.
Again, this information is already linked up next. * wink-with-the-barn *