Frage von neverlone:
I will be really mad! can anyone tell me how and whether it is at all possible. vob extensions in good quality. avi extensions to make? so I like it. in Adobe Premiere can edit?
at each conversion attempt, I have a funny picture crushed! this has nothing more with the quality to do the vobs have played with WinDVD. vote because the colors, the visual, the sound, simply beautiful! but once I go a different format is really ugly! MPG2 goes, but can not edit.
or is there perhaps a cutter g'scheiden the vob files bearbeeiten can, because even with some stupid avi codec, is getting worse and worse still! that it can not be that my superschön not edit recorded movies can be placed on virtually everything to be! please help me!
lg, neverlone
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Look in the search for "VOB" because the problem has already arisen frequently. Maybe this helps already synonymous hits:
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von coderbugs:

Just as the DVD with Nero Recode to convert MPG4. Then it
You example with Mp4Cam2avi (which you can find with Google) the clips in avi files. The quality suffers slightly through the whole transformation. But I can live.
Antwort von bento124:

I think the Ulead VideoStudio
have a dvd and import dv-avi
Exporting can get ...
(I know not how good the quality is)
cut goes a little way, synonymous.
gruß cj
Antwort von Bellucci_dpy:

I have now with dg Index is a d2v file created
I get an error message that my ien scrpt or AviSynth is faulty, but I have many times installed nine
I have used the following versions:
Dg index 1.4.9
AviSynth 2.5
PremiereAVSPlugin 1.9:
Even with DVD2AVI_1.77.3 I get the same error message
to help
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Hello Bellucci_dpy,
poste doch mal dein avs script (you can, because it is a plain text file is copied directly into the post) and the exact error message.
The script should be the way, so it is error free, in a DirectShow player (like Media Player Classic) for testing direct play.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Just as the DVD with Nero Recode to convert MPG4. Ouch! You send your CDs by medium?
The current Magix Video deLuxe versions VOB files directly unstop can. Otherwise let the free VirtualDubMod, make sure that either a DV codec (according to Panasonic DV codec google!) Or the lossless codec HuffYUV as well as a
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Vob makes an AVI
synonymous unkompremiert - super easy - and free
You will find below doom9 org or Google
Antwort von bento124:
vob files of the cutter can bearbeeiten I assume that you mean a program for editing MPEG2 files.
Gibts example here:
Easy VOB / MPEG-2 import and editing features usually synonymous, the authoring program, like Ulead Movie distillery.
Antwort von Tom Keller Schweiz:

LoadPlugin ( "C: ProgrammeAviSynth 2.5pluginsMPEG2Dec3.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: ProgrammeAviSynth 2.5pluginsDecomb521.dll")
AHB I created using the script of edit avs
"Avisynth configuration error or AviSynth old version please do a fresh install sa recent version of AviSynth"
while yes, I have the latest version
I can open the avs file with no single player
VirtualDubMod can I start synonymous ned if AviSynth on the disk is
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Your filter is probably outdated (especially DGindex), so update s.besten of the page of the Authors:
Caution: Before you attempt a fresh start, create the d2v project using the new DGindexversion again, otherwise there is immediately an error message because diejeweilige dll and the program as a package together!
For the audio portion of stubborn:
And look synonymous at times Colormatix:
For editing of scripts would be helpful AvsP (because with preview), but is rather a "matter of taste":
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tom Keller Schweiz:

thanks for the help!
I have the video now in entlich premiere
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
LoadPlugin ( "C: \ Documents and Settings \ David \ Desktop \ dgmpgdec150rc2 \ DGDecode.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: \ Programs \ AviSynth 2.5 \ plugins \ Decomb.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: \ Programs \ AviSynth 2.5 \ plugins \ NicAudio.dll")
MPEG2Source ( "H: \ smf 7 \ VIDEO_TS \ VIDEO_TS.d2v")
only sound I NicAudio.dll not in spite premiere
Antwort von Gast 0815:

With Dgindex If you create a project, will also demuxed, it is still an associated sound file (I have no idea if your camera records mpa or ac3) in the same folder as the d2v file. In there you will find file names synonymous delay (the time delay between audio / video) indicated.
Embedded in Avisynth will then sound like this:
For example, Mpa sound with a delay of 327ms (lines with # are just comments):
Video # assign a variable:
video = MPEG2Source ( "H: \ smf 7 \ VIDEO_TS \ VIDEO_TS.d2v")
# Assign a variable audio, delay bringing to 0:
audio = nicmpaSource ( "H: \ smf 7 \ Video_TS \ Video_TS_delay 327ms.mpa"). audiotechnik delay (0,327)
audiodub (video, audio)
Example for AC3 sound with a delay of 327ms:
video = MPEG2Source ( "H: \ smf 7 \ VIDEO_TS \ VIDEO_TS.d2v")
audio = nicAC3source ( "H: \ smf 7 \ Video_TS \ Video_TS_delay 327ms.mpa"). audiotechnik delay (0,327)
audiodub (video, audio)
The audio delay is in the file in milliseconds, as a script command (delay audio) but in seconds!
If you want to do something more often: rtfm of dgindex!
It describes how you have the script auto, with each file which, directly in the project of creation can create it!
And Nochwas, look at synonymous times the "cpu" in ...........
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von antje:

Antwort von Gast 0815:

First of all, the fundamental question: what did you with the finished film than before?
Anschauen s.PC, online, space-saving archiving, or synonymous with a suitable player (or via PC) to TV output? This would Xvid OK. For the transfer s.Dritte, ie not on the playing MPEG-4 capable DVD players would rather video DVD (ie MPEG-2) in question.
If you order the best quality, would be to process more of a editing program such as the MPEG-2 natively and can capture parts of the basic raw material without Neucodierung resulting in a video on DVD.
But to look at your way to stay:
From the editing program for Encoder (Vitualdub / Vitualdubmod) you will come either by saving with a loss-free codecs (eg Lagarith: or again by Frameserven via Debugmode, nice instructions on the page of Bruno Peter:
With filters, based on the entire film work, I would be careful.
Sure, eg image noise at night Bitrate costs unnecessarily, but should be better then only in appropriate scenes "processes" are. The relevant apply a filter to clean sections, leads to undesirable loss of detail. Ergo, if you need something, depends strongly of your footage you s.and wiesehr the final of the movie in Xvid Decrease want.
So, again to TV or PC monitor: depending synonymous should still be deinterlaced ....
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Bellucci_dpy:

So my script:
LoadPlugin ( "C: Documents and Settings oot.GALAXYDesktopdgmpgdec150rc2DGDecode.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: ProgrammeAviSynth 2.5pluginsDecomb.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: ProgrammeAviSynth 2.5pluginsNicAudio.dll")
LoadPlugin ( "C: ProgrammeAviSynth 2.5pluginsDeen.dll")
video = MPEG2Source ( "G: SMF 78VIDEO_TSNeuer Ordnerdede.d2v")
audio = nicAC3source ( "G: SMF 78VIDEO_TSNeuer Ordnerdede T80 2_0ch 256kbps DELAY 288ms.ac3"). audiotechnik delay (0,288)
audiodub (video, audio)
deen ( "A3D", 3,6,1,6)
for Deen ( "W3d", 3,3,5)
came the error message: Deen: name list: "C3D", "A3D", "M3D", "A2D" or "m2d"
I have now with the premier video exported: and so:
then have the video in premiere opened and compressed with XviD and the resolution to 320 by 240 by
now wrote a test video with 13 sec and 5 mb, alos still too big
and moving parts of the image are always of black stripes running through
grüße aus linz
Antwort von Bellucci_dpy:

a mistake has crept in:
I am not of the video premiere to premiere, but in purely VirtualDubMod loaded
Antwort von Markus:

* denk * loud -
And then tell me another one, he would no longer MiniDV camcorder, because the tape recorded and the capture takes so long! This discussion is now in my links.
* re-softly-denk *
Antwort von Gast 0815:

@ Markus,
think about whether loud or soft, it can never hurt. The pro and cons of the different recording process was so often in the forum discussion of this so I will not comment.
@ Bellucci_dpy,
what wilt thou with Deen reach? This is a sharpening filter and sharp enough pictures but you should really be any compression artifacts, however, you do so visible!
If you go to the compressibility would be even more useful light blur.
Moreover, when I look at it in your target resolution chart Xvid Avi, do you want this so surely s.TV not look like it would be also with deinterlacing, ever thought drüber (stripes? In Xvid Avi)?
If your Zielavi too big, how did you configured exactly as Xvid and what you aspire to? Read about this value would still Selurs "About Xvid (; moreover, the smaller part synonymous, if you have the sound to MP3 for example, walking
Premiere Of Since I have no idea, nor a question s.die experts here in the forum: the program can actually deal with YV12/YUY2 without conversion, or any auto input to RGB24 changed? If so, you should synonymous nor the Color Matrix function mount.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Dagmar:

Pretty complicated is going to
I make the wenns be with the Canopus AVC
Antwort von Gast 0815:

@ Guest,
each of his!
Avisynth is a great program, but stop synonymous not easy to handle, since all commands per script done. And this way of working under Windows is now, admittedly, rather unusual.
But as complicated as it seems at first sight, it is then again not synonymous.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von marcvulkan:

@ Gast0815
How Dus say - Every das Seine.
The price / performance ratio is, however, with the Canopus converters unbeatable, there is less work and frustration to almost always
Antwort von Markus:
The pro and cons of the different recording process was so often discussed in the forum ... That's true, but I was so far no one taken advantage of the DVD to MiniDV tape for storage of Oiginalaufnahmen call.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

@ Markus,
My Camera is an XH-A1, what else should I say;
ask some of our marketing experts from the manufacturer, which is what has come to ...
But something else, you can me what to say color in Premiere, is consistent processing of YUV or RGB is converted to internal?
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Markus:
... you can me what to say color in Premiere, is consistent processing of YUV or RGB is converted to internal? I take advantage of the on-board resources and not at the premiere Matrox codec can I adjust the type of conversion should take place. The extent to which my Premiere 6.5 it holds, I do not know. The result agrees in any event and that is with what is important.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

@ Markus,
unfortunately had no time to reply sooner, but even a thank you for your reply. Then, I'll assume that after internal rgb is changed, otherwise you would indeed likely to be a difference from the original edition in the note, the color was not right.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Bellucci_dpy:

deen therefore reduces the noise, I would have thought
watermarked and searched because NEN link?
hab ja schon was found to interlacing, what do werd
yes 4 min should be about 30 mb, the quality is so very important
there are television recordings of his video game tournament
I set it according to the following schema:
greetings from the Mühlviertel and sincere thanks