Frage von tommyaa:
moin together
XLR, phantom power, CH 1, CH 2 - I'm overwhelmed. I have the Sony PD 150 and tonmässig risen at all noah planning in terms of separate channels. Of course I'm here in the forum and have browsed the net hard, but it lacks basic things for me: Did I understand correctly that if I record on separate channels, which can then synonymous in the editing program used separately? Is that the meaning of the two channels make different sound recordings tzu?
Maybe someone knows ne nice page on the net that says something like exactly.
Thank you.
Antwort von Jott:

User manual?
"Did I understand correctly that if I record on separate channels, which can then synonymous in the editing program using separate?"
"Is that the meaning of the two channels to make different recordings?"
Yes, or stereo recordings.
Antwort von carstenkurz:

to 'PD 150 audio' one finds plenty of info here on the forum and elsewhere. The PD 150 has some specialties in this regard, with which one should advance to make familiar.
- Carsten
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Antwort von tommyaa:

jo, thank you for now. one more thing: how does the cutting program, the individual tracks? for me it's pinnacle (yeah).