Frage von film-johny:
S.alle question:
How can one transfer of a Digibeta Player on Adobe CS5?
As a system exists: WIN 7, 64 Bit, Blackmagic DeckLink HD Extreme with wire whip.
As shown in CS5 in the capture window constantly "offline" is and I have already done all the possible settings and wiring issues, I am now s.end of my wit.
Can someone give me a hot tip?
Movie Johny
Antwort von rush:

What exactly have you been for a setter `?
Via Firewire then you've probably tried it already?
Well, it should pretty but funtzen on SDI and I am not versed in how and CS5 CS5 Black Magic supports your card here ... .
Antwort von srone:

is not by chance that the trial version?
Antwort von film-johny:

Sony's machine is called forth the type TTV 3453 P
Digibeta is one and has in that (professional class)
of course, no Firewire input or output.
(50 n.schwer, ¬ 40,000, - on loan for the dub)
As training and inputs only BNC Connections.
CS5 fully supported the Black Magic card and will appear in a
New Project in CS5 synonymous in the Choice.
I am grateful for any (useful) tips.
Movie Johny
Antwort von srone:

CS5 in the recording device window under control lässst themselves as black magic card choose?
And again, if you used the trial version of CS5 can so many missing codec.
Antwort von Alf_300:

Have you vesucht with the MediaExpesse a Picture / Sound get?
Antwort von film-johny:

So in CS5 recording window can the Black magic device control choose love - there is nothing!
I had prior to the CS5 Vollvers. CS4 - I then purchased the upgrade for 800 ¬ on CS5 - now running both versions - CS4 and CS5
as two separate editing software.
Have synonymous in the Control Panel of Black magic all the required settings and synonymous plug-in attempts behind me - without success.
I still hope for a solution!
Movie Johny
Antwort von srone:

because I assume that you've done something before, we need is the wiring set up and run through not once, but since the devil is in the detail like, check everything again, evtuelle settings in maz-menu, select the correct output etc. run maz must be sent that picture and so on.