Frage von zeitwesen:
hi ng
anyone knows how to SVHS jack of tvout (graphic "map" of Intel
855GM chipset, in my case installed in the Acer Travelmate 291lmi) recognizes
whether a TV set is connected or not?
if I have my notebook directly contagious switches without
to problems.
Now I have a TV but synonymous with no line-in. synonymous here to my
notebook I've anzustecken
UHF modulator dazwischengehängt ... Unfortunately, it only recognizes my notebook
not that it is on the tv-out switch can be ..
Who knows how I can trick it, but a signal rauszujagen.
So schematically looks at me like this:
notebook SVHS out ----> shvs-> composite ------> ----> UHF modulator
(antenna input) tv
am grateful for every tip
thx johannes Zeitlinger
Antwort von Jürgen He:

wesen time wrote:
> Hi ng
> Anyone knows how to SVHS jack of tvout (graphic "map" of
> Intel 855GM chipset, in my case installed in the Acer Travelmate
> 291lmi) detects whether a TV set is connected or not?
This is usually the input impedance (75Ohm) of the connected
Unit evaluated.
> Now I have a TV but synonymous with no line-in. synonymous around here
> My notebook I've anzustecken
> UHF modulator dazwischengehängt ... Unfortunately, it only recognizes my
> Notebook is not that on the tv-out switch can be ..
Actually, this should be synonymous to the modulator s.Video input impedance of
75 ohms which. Do you have a datasheet of the modulator? As needed
relevant information can be found.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von zeitwesen:

many thanks for this information!
"He Jürgen"
wrote in news post
news: cnu1ht $ 5j9 $ 05 $ ...
> Time wesen wrote:
>> Hello ng
>> Anyone knows how to SVHS jack of tvout (graphic "map" of
>> Intel 855GM chipset, in my case installed in the Acer Travelmate
>> 291lmi) detects whether a TV set is connected or not?
> This is usually the input impedance (75Ohm) of the connected
> Device evaluated.
>> Now I have a TV but synonymous without line-in. synonymous around here
>> My notebook I've anzustecken
>> UHF modulator dazwischengehängt ... Unfortunately, it only recognizes my
>> Notebook is not that on the tv-out switch can be ..
> Actually, this should be synonymous to the modulator s.Video input impedance of 75
> Which Ohm. Do you have a datasheet of the modulator? As needed
> Relevant information can be found.
> Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von zeitwesen:
oh yes, think I've found him ...
but do not know whether you can find out more ...
you can with the input impedance 75Ohm the graphics card irgndwie
thx johannes
Antwort von Jürgen He:
wesen time wrote:
> Oh yes, think I've found him ...
> But do not know whether you can find out more ...
> You can with the input impedance 75Ohm the graphics card irgndwie
> Trick?
The description is nothing her. : - /
You can try the input resistance on Video - In the modulator to
measure whether it is in the order of 75 ohms is. Or you close
the connecting cable on video - In times of the modulator with a 75 ohm
Resistance (75 ohms from the video - In accordance with Mass) s.and look to whether the
Then switch to work.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von zeitwesen:
many many thanks, I will try (but only s.woe, I am
back home)
lg, johannes
"He Jürgen" wrote in news post
news: kat cnviu6 $ $ 03 $ ...
> Time wesen wrote:
>> Oh yes, think I've found him ...
>> But do not know whether you can find out more ...
>> You can with the input impedance 75Ohm the graphics card irgndwie
>> Trick?
> The description is nothing her. : - /
> You can try the input resistance on Video - In the modulator to
> Measure whether it is in the order of 75 ohms is. Or you close
> The cable on video - In times of the modulator with a 75 ohm
> Resistance (75 ohms from the video - In accordance with Mass) s.and look to whether the
> Switch to work.
> Gruß, Jürgen