Frage von stefangs:
moin together
I have a bunch of outsourced avchd files to ProRes convertiert plates and on usb. I was doing the editing, of course not, but is prima ne cheap interim storage. now I'm looking together snippets, which I would like to cut, so they can be copied to an internal sata disk. so far so good.
the playing of such files creates the usb disk already, so I can preview as at least something. However, I have found that, when long clips after some time, we say that after 15 seconds, comes to stutter and perhaps even the flutes Synz of audio and video goes. when I ask s.der and hold my back drive on, you go back to stutter to the next. anyone know why this is again?
Antwort von Axel:

USB 2.0 has a theoretical transfer rate of something around 400 Mbps. That should be enough for ProRes Standard with 120 Mbps, theoretically. Theoretically, because
> Information is sent continuously in both directions, and
> The data is transmitted in blocks.
Play should actually be possible without further ado, just "scratching" at all.
Antwort von stefangs:

Play should actually be possible without further ado, just "scratching" at all. thank Schonmal ... It does indeed synonymous - in principle. because it can be s.der USB connection, if it actually already does, but if the clips are longer prefixed to stutter or is there something else amiss? I have to scratch first as not at all. it's all about the preview of clips.