Frage von miebe:
because times have the following question:
How can we in the "Home" reached the area of video bandwidth itself
created DVD's or SVCD's identify. Is there a possibility?
The preparation is carried out partly on a PC or via DVD recorder.
Thank you Hans Weigel
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:

ttmiebeaolcommiebe wrote:
> How can the "Home" reached the area of video bandwidth itself
> created DVD's or SVCD's identify.
Digital video streams do not have a band but a bitrate.
Perhaps you just say what you want to know that it would
easier than the actual question to guess. ( "How much
is 7 * 6? "giltet not)
The Macintosh was mausbedienbar, when a PC user to the call
"Can you ever open a second window?" even with "No, not at minus 15 degrees!" replied.
(Wolf-Dieter Roth in Telepolis)
Antwort von Heiko Nocon:

Ralf Fontana wrote:
> Digital video bandwidth but do not have a bitrate.
They have both natural and this is even in a fairly narrow
Presumably, he is really the bit rate and not the bandwidth.
Antwort von Wolfgang Hauser:

miebe wrote:
> How can the "Home" reached the area of video bandwidth itself
> created DVD's or SVCD's identify. Is there a possibility?
If you think the bitrate: The value or mean (VBR) can
you from playing time and file size easy to calculate, for
Multiplex files (. Vob,. Mpg) would be roughly 10% for the clay
Antwort von Thomas Beyer:

Wolfgang Hauser wrote ...
> Miebe wrote:
>> How can the "Home" reached the area of video bandwidth itself
>> Created DVD's or SVCD's identify. Is there a possibility?
> If you think the bitrate: The value or mean (VBR) can
> You from playing time and file size easy to calculate, for
> Multiplex files (. Vob,. Mpg) would be roughly 10% for the clay
> Subtracted.
Something overdozed for the purpose bitrate analysis, but in vain to
Antwort von miebe:

thank you for your help, and the reference to the precise question.
The starting point is the following:
It is about the Pioneer520 DVD recorder.
Lt. an information in the c't Magazine Heft23 was at the highest
Blurred image of a talking picture. Linked
a video bandwidth of only 2 MHz, and the remaining
Testkanditaten stood at about 4 MHz.
Mention has been synonymous but that the manufacturer of a Pioneer
Device fault originates.
On a request I got out of c't following info: "...
indeed, we have an exchange of Pioneer unit of the 520ers
received, which this deficiency is no longer shown. ... "
Now I simply wanted to see what my interval
gekaufterPio520 values brings.
Grüße Hans Weigel
Antwort von Lars Mueller:

miebe wrote:
Please enter times as your name.
> Now, I simply wanted to see what my interval
> GekaufterPio520 for values brings.
Mir are two possibilities: an oscilloscope take what you
probably will not have, or an appropriate trigger test image
record. On skills test would probably have one with dense verscheieden
S / W and frequency bands in this indication. Such test pictures you'll find
maybe somewhere on the satellite, or Internet download.
Does your graphics card a reasonable TV-Out?
The original telecom test image, for example, offers a
Frequency staircase in the 9th Top of the box or on the black arrow:
Links have the broad strokes, 1 MHz, then comes a group with 2 MHz,
right from the arrow, we have 3 MHz and the broad area to the right of them,
4.43. So if your device creates 4 MHz, then If the 3 MHz range
yet clear as strokes to be seen.
Gruß Lars
Antwort von Jürgen He:

> Hello,
> Thank you for your help, and the reference to the precise question.
> The starting point is the following:
> It is about the Pioneer520 DVD recorder.
> Lt. an information in the c't Magazine Heft23 was at the highest
> Blurred image of a talking picture. Linked
> Has a video bandwidth of only 2 MHz, and the remaining
> Testkanditaten stood at about 4 MHz.
> [...]
With Tesbildern or corresponding TestDVDs can be an optical
Impression of the Auflösungsfähigeit give. Some examples can be found
You here:
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:

Nocon Heiko wrote:
>> Digital video bandwidth but do not have a bitrate.
> You have obviously both
Nack. The band have issued and Performing Device.
Sometimes the graphics card and TV.
The Macintosh was mausbedienbar, when a PC user to the call
"Can you ever open a second window?" even with "No, not at minus 15 degrees!" replied.
(Wolf-Dieter Roth in Telepolis)
Antwort von Heiko Nocon:

Ralf Fontana wrote:
> NACK. The band have issued and Performing Device.
The video has obviously synonymous in digital encoding remains an
certain bandwidth. Had there been any, would be according to the laws of
Information theory does not contain more information. This would then
of course not synonymous bitrate required to encode it.
My reference to the close relationship between bit rate and bandwidth
was not of chance. The peak bit rate of digital data
Indeed while the maximum bandwidth for the encoded
; Whereas the signal is completely independent from the coding process. Natural Law,
you understand?
What course depends heavily on coding, this is ominous
"Peak rate". (Incidentally, the nix with the VBR occurring
Fluctuations in _mittleren_ bitrate has to do).
For intra frame (eg DV or MJPEG) is just the thing. The bit rate
is relative to a frame. Thus if you have the fattest frames of a
Data stream is found, then the bit rate represents the
Peak bit rate of the data and you can be here very directly the
maximum possible bandwidth of the videos contained calculate.
Anders at Inter frame. The "bit rate" here means the bit rate on
an entire GOP. The lion's share of the bandwidth of the signal but is
alone in the I-frame, so far the most synonymous bits in a
GOP needed. The "peak rate" is somewhat harder to
identify and it is especially very significantly above the mean
Bitrate. Exactly yes in fact the core function of all
hochkomprimierenden coding procedures. Bitrate is just for the
Bandwidth of the I-frame "borrowed" them to later in the
GOP after "repay". Nevertheless, the emerging
Peak bit rate for the I-frames but synonymous here a direct measure of the
maximum possible bandwidth of the signal contained.
To set the times to be brief: To create a _beliebiges_ signal with 500kHz
Bandwidth to encode, you will always and under all circumstances
at least 500kBit / s bitrate need. Natural law.
Trickery is not only arbitrary signals (to the Google keyword
eg "fractal compression"). That ultimately is based on the prior
the actual data information between the transmitter and
Receiver flow, namely the definition of the characteristics of a
Submenge of likely transmitted signals. In the data
Would then require transfer of the signal itself instead of only one reference
to the recipient already existing information is transmitted.
So far, the real compression technology available but not yet.
Since it is provisionally erstmal only more or less skillfully Information
omitted, the average bitrate to be pressed.
Antwort von Ottfried Schmidt:

Heiko Nocon
> The video is of course synonymous in digital encoding remains an
> certain bandwidth. Had there been any, would be according to the laws of
> Information Theory no longer contain information. This would then
> of course not synonymous bitrate required to encode it.
> My reference to the close relationship between bit rate and bandwidth
> was not of chance. The peak bit rate of digital data
> Indeed while the maximum bandwidth for the encoded
>; Whereas the signal is completely independent from the coding process. Natural Law,
> you understand?
--- Snip ---
Compliment, that's the best explanation of these relationships that I
until now have found. Coherent, logical, easy to understand - as
said compliment.
Antwort von miebe:
Heiko Nocon wrote in message Re: Twin LNB with one cable to a DigiCorder Technisat HD S2 # # # <> ...
> Ralf Fontana wrote:
>> For the times to be brief: To create a _beliebiges_ signal with 500kHz
> Bandwidth to encode, you will always and under all circumstances
> At least 500kBit / s bitrate need. Natural law.
Hello and Thank you,
this is really a good explanation.
But unfortunately, I come with my next problem.
If I have understood correctly you mean therefore, related to the
3.Beitrag of above 2MHz Vidobandbreite a bit rate of 2Mbps.
That, however, carried out in the c't test of DVD recorders as
does not work. This was in the highest quality level
carried out so that approximately 10Mbps data rate. The measured
Video bandwidth of the best devices was 4 to 4.6 MHZ.
Since I seemed to be no chance to send me the video bandwidth
to identify themselves.
Or can I do on the DVD recorder read Bitrate
Conclusions drawn? I want so no reading on the decimal point
just give me enough information that the device is working properly.
Hans Weigel
Antwort von Manfred Drescher:
Nocon Heiko wrote:
> To set the times to be brief: To create a _beliebiges_ signal with 500kHz
> Bandwidth to encode, you will always and under all circumstances
> At least 500kBit / s bitrate need. Natural law.
This law of nature is but the contrast, sampling theorem, which says
that a signal with the frequency f with at least twice the frequency
to be scanned so that it can be decoded. So
any 500kHz signal to encode, are therefore at least 1
Mbit / s (with one bit coded) is necessary.
Antwort von Heiko Nocon:
miebe wrote:
> If I understand correctly you mean therefore, related to the
> 3.Beitrag of above 2MHz Vidobandbreite a bit rate of 2Mbps.
No.. It means that in order to encode a signal with 2MHz bandwidth
a _Spitzen_bitrate of 2Mbps is required.
> That should be carried out but in the c't test of DVD recorders as
> fails. This was in the highest quality level
>, with a view to approximately 10Mbps data rate.
This is the average bitrate. Why is the Inter-Frame Coding
(such as MPEG2 for DVD) of the significantly high bitrate
different, I hoped to have set out to understand. Well,
at least in your case, I was probably wrong.
> Since I seem to be no chance to send me the video bandwidth
> to identify themselves.
Without sufficient knowledge / measurement: definitely yes.
Antwort von Heiko Nocon:
Manfred Drescher wrote:
> This law of nature is but the contrast, sampling theorem, which says
> that a signal with the frequency f with at least twice the frequency
> to be scanned so that it can be decoded. So
> any 500kHz signal to encode, are therefore at least 1
> Mbit / s (with one bit coded) is necessary.
No.. The sampling theorem applies, as the name suggests, the
Sampling of a signal, but not to its encoding.
Even with the primitive, since ancient times when floppy disks and hard disks
MFM encoding used one has the goal is reached, a signal with
a certain range with a bitrate to encode the
Bandwidth of the signal corresponds.
Order of the stuff but the analog media correctly read back to be able to
Sampling is of course necessary. And not entirely coincidentally, the
Clock generator used in this unit ( "bit separator") with
(at least) the double-frequency pulsed. Since proposing the olling
Shannon then again that fully. o)
Antwort von Andre Beck: (miebe) writes:
> How can the "Home" reached the area of video bandwidth itself
> Created DVD's or SVCD's identify. Is there a possibility?
The recorded video bitrate * * you can fit on each half
DVD player can show that this makes my oller Pio525. The he -
targeted video bandwidth * * does not depend of the DVD, but of the
Play chain. You can download it but grossly identify you by a common
suitable test image encoder, to the classic lines appear
(vertical, alternately black and white lines with increasing
Density) and the boundary established where they are no longer separated
may be exercised, but in uniform go gray.
The lines can be synonymous to the previous close MHz, some test
images contain the same information is synonymous in MHz.
> The compilation is done partly on the PC or via DVD recorder.
The bandwidth of any material can only be with a Oszi
show, and this is more complicated. If the chain, however,
with a camera begins to get a printed test image lines
with the camera exactly formatfüllend record (Tripod, Tele, Picture of
the wall and stick ideal illuminate) and so really the chain
End2End estimate. I had a good time as CorelDraw Picture
gebastelt, but do not find this again. But is easy to see un -
dangerous as follows:
12 ---------- ------------ ----------------------
16 ---------- ------------ ----------------------
24 ---------- ------------ ----------------------
48 ---------- ------------ ----------------------
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXX
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXX
96 ---------- ------------ ----------------------
Just stop with the black and white squares of decreasing width, one
the lines should be sufficiently high so as to really give the impression
of vertical lines and above all you need of course
a higher density than I could paint with ASCII - interesting
it is beyond that of 300 lines, DVD achieved in the ideal case
about 700 - but almost no commercial TV.
The _S_anta _C_laus _O_peration
or "how to turn a complete illusion into a neverending money source"
-> Andre "ABPSoft" Beck ABP-RIPE Dresden, Germany, Spacetime <--