Frage von JonnyStalker:
how to install these
copilot of video plug-ins?
eg evolution or the bullet.
So "twitch" as I've installed.
after effects + support files = plug-ins and it funzt.
the others I've packed into the same folder,
but when I go in for AE effects, it does not show it to me?
what have I done wrong? exe, there is an installation and there is not
've been told that we all simply in the plug in folder
Copy will. since one can help me next?
Antwort von Bespi:

since you do not prove that evolution is not a plugin, but only pre-design elements that could be done just as well be synonymous itself, I think you're worried you the kram illlegal. I'll go right in the acceptance?
Antwort von mann:

And if - is his private affair.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

In plain German
Most cases of VideoCopilot are Projektdatein to serve as a sample, there are no real plug-ins.
People still kuckt simply 5 times the stuff and then so after the 2 times your schaun slowly s.das tutorial begins 1 to 1 nachzubasteln, but for the moment remains s.der target! ... At 2 to 3 times the copier again, then drop one of dozens of variations on and you get a feeling like what might go where and when.
Ist halt as with all stories in the graphic / em on life / PC .... we see / learn a technique that makes itself acquainted with the basics .... And lo and behold, suddenly you can combine the learned with other things and expand.
Who abkupfert only makes life unnecessarily difficult, because while it trains its non Kombinierfaehigkeiten / Skills and very important diversity.
Even experienced few times .... Customer sitting in front of the animation ... Super boah everything, but could not change as quickly once the male color or direction ... rausredet not then whoever gets the job, because then you can have what magic a la minute.
One can compare it well with cooking ;-) even know who all of its ingredients can be synonymous quickly cook a new dish ... as waffles, does not slow always have to be sweet, to know how can make a dough that is behaving and that need to know ..... And at some point to do it without the "How many ml of water were the now?" to respect.
B. DeKid
PS: If someone new comes in because my circle, I then test the guys / Mödels always looking to how they are struggling s.was. Are you then sometimes even better than I and found ratz fatz ne solution to the problem .... freu then I offer you with views to create.
Antwort von JonnyStalker:

So hm ........
whether illegal or not, that's now even
tehma here & not the answer to your question,
no, not illegal habs me worried! has a friendly
Of auctioned on ebay and I wanted to see something
so everything we can do so.
And sooorry the plugin was written,
is the net here for beginners?
rather than around the corner with sone claims to come,
you could tell me what was I doing wrong?
schonmal that would be a great beginning, because I'm on a childish matters
net loss in sone great mom.
So, now for the people who can vierleicht help me!
ma first sorry that I have "written plug in".
thought that one that says so.
synonymous, as always - as I said.
a friendly of me has copilot on ebay a few video
as already said.
But how can I get to run the whole?
would be great if I give an answer on it because someone ne
would I start with the somewhat synonymous.
Thanks & lg
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Jung,-P What do you present it .... files for a file extension synonymous then you can tell where you have to paste the files to ensure that the disposal is possible ;-)
If you know where nich what belongs to you kuckt always times the file extensions s.and then compares the Programs folder where these files could it hide.
B. DeKid
Antwort von JonnyStalker:

@ B. DeKid
I'll give you as absolutely right!
I just always try before I ask & then
wirklch more when I next get in front of closed doors stand
I ask here first to look at me as if no one
next can help. I mean this is so synonymous here because if I understood correctly. Unfortunately I have to the tutorials in the
point (; install) net next can help!
the twitch funzt synonymous yes, I just wonder what the other
've done wrong. eg I know that you find it in the folder as
plug-ins or should copy effektwe pure. But what of the whole
input which we have and where exactly that which now comes in is the question? You should be grateful if you could give me da nen tip!
synonymous only if there is a link to a page where anything is shown,
would be enough already perfected. everything so you can have one
understandable explanation, which I find very great!
So would super if you could give me da nen tip what I could do about it.
& If I have time now to have you here, I'd have still s.dich ne frage:)
I once had tehma hier nen
But, unfortunately, did not get a response.
vierleicht you could give me anything to me, the next write
could bring.
danke schon ma
Antwort von JonnyStalker:

you mean something like "FFX"?
So that stands on it to the input.
if so, I would now ma in effecst folder
. cramming If the input is simply loose or
can be synonymous to create a new folder?
eg in the plugin folder create a new one called the twitch
And then the whole reinziehen twitch there.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

(I and We), but still do not know what you are available for input, and the tutorial is missing now kucken miir time.
Presents = *. ffx files
Ins = *. aex files
Scripts = *. JSX
Those are really the usual suspects in AU
B. DeKid
PS: you now Shall still tap into what the other thread
** EDIT ** Yes files individually in the folder only takes time to load new folder nen AE does not slow down .... But there is synonymous in the help of AE described well how to create export scripts or plugins Presents / copy / **
Antwort von JonnyStalker:

've learned again what about this:) &
can go to sleep in ruh.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Noch nen tip ... if I am somewhere out of sheer and her next I know not shut the Project and make Days Away later next turn and s.irgendwas else next working .... sometimes found their way and not s.nae chsten day, then comes the AHA Effect.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Bespi:
So hm ........
whether illegal or not, that's now even
tehma here & not the answer to your question,
no, not illegal habs me worried! has a friendly
Of auctioned on ebay and I wanted to see something
so everything we can do so.
And sooorry the plugin was written,
is the net here for beginners?
rather than around the corner with sone claims to come,
you could tell me what was I doing wrong?
schonmal that would be a great beginning, because I'm on a childish matters
net loss in sone great mom.
So, now for the people who can vierleicht help me!
ma first sorry that I have "written plug in".
thought that one that says so.
synonymous, as always - as I said.
a friendly of me has copilot on ebay a few video
as already said.
But how can I get to run the whole?
would be great if I give an answer on it because someone ne
would I start with the somewhat synonymous.
Thanks & lg snore ....
So we let it rest so that I was with my presumption punktrichtig ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
snore ....
So we let it rest so that I was with my presumption punktrichtig ;-) AND EVEN IF, as man has said - but the intressiert erstmal anyone!
As I have already admitted time .... I think I could afford 10 years ago all this?? Nope I could not, and today I received a lot of work just so made or given to friends the diligent s.Tools and Plugs.
The FX scene is small and who knows when if known, is synonymous s.alles what he needs - and I let my ego to someone what I needed for my plug nen effect or technique simply give up.
One hand washes the other ;-)
Or should I have now begun donation account set up in Slashcam synonymous, because I was trying to suggest something to someone - to help Him. ?
Geh mal assume that is all taken into account of the boys ;-)
B. DeKid
PS: Who should be scrupulously careful not sell things that he has licenses to all, but asks None but after so much honor must already be .... was synonymous simply collapse the price of well needed plugin / Progis least doubling times and to write on the invoice, p synonymous for what costs nothing is worth nothing - my dad always says, I've learned to be consistent.
** Noch ne Note s.Rande For all who do not know. Before there were forums and Web 2.0, there was the IRC and usenet, where people met and exchanged ideas like this and techniques and their associated tools and synonymous Progis - that was always clean and simple .... Today it is through media reports and P2P Progis hackers become rather silly and has continued in such TWITTER latest trend. Does that mean WE all be hanging around somewhere in the network needs to see us only. **