Frage von fplatonva:
Good day
I have a question for the experts: I have two old video files
with the extension MVI. XXXXX.AVIund MVI. XXXX.THM. The files can
I unfortunately do not start and no editing program to import.
Is there a solution? What could MVI. and THM bedueten. I would be at =
pleased to answer.
Antwort von Jens Peter Moeller:

Or what someone wrote:
> I have a question for the experts: I have two old video files
> With the file extension MVI. XXXXX.AVIund MVI. XXXX.THM. The files can
> I do not start and no editing program to import.
> Is there a solution? What could MVI. and THM bedueten. I would be on
> A happy answer.Úteiendung THM
That was hard ...