Frage von drsost:
videos are available in dvd and mpeg2 format before.
I now want this space-saving but without loss of quality save. there would magix video deluxe the 2008th
kann mir da jemand recommended settings?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
save space but without quality loss to save Nobody is for this demand a tip for you to have.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
save space but without quality loss That is, in fact, not even in principle - however, it can be with modern video formats such as by half without any subjective loss Evaporate.
there would magix video deluxe the 2008th Because there's a menu: "Export Movie". What you take depends very much what you with your film and want to do afterwards where he was going to run. For DVD and hard drive player is likely in most cases, DivX practicable, to Winbugs boxes WMV, Quicktime for iPod (according runterskaliert)
kann mir da jemand recommended settings? Specific details on the purpose and location will help immensely.
Antwort von Markus:
videos are available in dvd and mpeg2 format before.
I now want this space-saving but without loss of quality save. Actually the thing is clear: Any further compression of an existing format, compression leads to quality losses and beyond is already MPEG2 heavily compressed.
This leads to the inevitable conclusion that the best thing, the files to leave as they are.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Any further compression of an existing format, compression leads to quality losses Under certain circumstances you can even result in
larger files, if you repeatedly komprimierst.
oversimplified said: You have 100 white pixels in Picture (RGB hex expressed "FFFFFF" for each pixel). It makes Compression: "100xFFFFFF" instead of "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ...." (I prefer to symbolize the times from ;-)).
To create the Kompressionalgorhythmen respectable rates, for example, in Word and Excel files (usually <10% of the original size) and in photographs, many from the plain areas are composed. Photos with many small details, such as the leafy canopy of a forest, are no longer so strongly compressible.
Now the next gear from the compression osBeispiel: we now have "100xFFFFFF" - it becomes "1x (100xFFFFFF)" and thus slightly larger. That is the reason why JPEG is only weakly re-compress it and BMP much better.
Insofar as the situation of loss-free, ie 100% undo Compression (ZIP). In lossy compression (JPEG, MPEG), information is omitted, acceptable data rates to reach. They are of course never be produced again. This happens during the first recording.
Therefore, JPEG images (you can even try) to open and save each visibly worse. That is why we are in our photo sessions
exclusively shoot in RAW and processed during the never never not compress. Scans are stored as an uncompressed bitmap. Only
the very end we will then steam (lossless) ZIP with a ...
Antwort von drsost:

use would be as I said some dvd's largest aufm computer store and of this play and perhaps someday synonymous again on dvd burn. format should be normal, so no hd ... 16:9 aspect ratio is 4:3 or synonymous.
ne mpeg zip file is probably not much, because is already compressed;)
I thought microsoft xvid or mp4
the quality of the big buck bunny film is super and I was only 700MB in size.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
(..) and possibly sometime synonymous again on dvd burn. Then leave it! Also on 'nem modern processor does the conversion for some time. Given the ridiculous prices for huge disks: Put your stuff in the original on record - and save you the time and you like keeping the original quality.
the quality of the big buck bunny film is super and I was only 700MB in size. For ten minutes. For the typical two hours of film you would be synonymous to 8.2 GB and so on 'ne double layer DVD. Computer animation is also excellent compress because their picture is absolutely quiet and great color predominate.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Put your stuff in the original plate Take at least a RAID group. If you like 1 Tape of 100 bands abkackt is annoying. If you like your plate with all the whole works goes flute, it's a disaster. The prices for data recovery in the 750-GB range can be obtained as a private citizen does not pay.
I have a few years ago of not just a small tax consultancy read, although the data made by streamers, but the tape never changed and never synonymous after the Verify backup made .. which have then been made.