Frage von miriam:
I Have a little Cam (c Technaxx bought 4000).
Because the included software does not offer the possibility to set to music the clips, I have downloaded virtual dub.
But I get the message that he can not open the recorded file (video clip).
If I reconversion of the Movie Maker, I get the message due to license the format is not supported - and now?
Antwort von miriam:

Hello - small addition:
The following error occurs:
could not locate decompressor for format XVID `` (unknown)
"virtualdub requires a video for windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video.Direct show codecs such s.those used by windows media player are not suitable"
Does the next?
Antwort von Stefan:

Yes, your preliminary work is exemplary.
You can check here on the XVID codec:
And then here to obtain the codec to install and use with VirtualDub: (current default) or (older)
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von miriam:

Lach - Thank you. . .
Have now installed xvid --
The present report is written in large white letters within the two windows in Virtual dub, which will be shown otherwise the clip:
when you open a another clip:
is indeed something different, but much better not synonymous :-(
Antwort von Stefan:

That's true. You have - as I see it - two Mögichkeiten ....
1 / Nerve support of your camera manufacturer or just give the camera back. Anything produced s.dem XVID video is lazy. I'm amazed that the camera brings no XVID codec. Or you had not only checked whether the Media Player can play the video?
2 / Fux you into the theme of clean and eliminate the interference. The error probably comes from XVID and not of VD. Exactly one can calculate that, if one reads the documentation and forum posts and / or the sources examined.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von miriam:

Thank you!
I had the error in google and typed views'm probably not alone.
The tip was generally ignore it.
In fact, he plays quite normal when you go to play - you can edit and synonymous (the idea I'm not even show up -
I'll stop error still seriously ;-))
In the Media Player and other programs he will play normally.
Have not made initialy System and runtergeschmissen everything.
Get organized now again codecs and virtual dub (on German <) download-then let's see. . .
But first thanks for the help - is a great forum, is determined to be here more often (no, this is not a threat ;-))