Frage von Oli68:
Hello DV pros!
I have the following problem: I'm taking a TV show with WinTV-PCI Express WinTV2000 as a DivX avi to. Works wonderfully, the film can be regarded as synonymous, both s.PC burned to CD on my Panasonic stand-alone DVD player s.TV.
Then I edit the movie with Virtualdub rauszuschneiden to such advertising. Both video as synonymous with audio, I select "Direct Stream Copy" must indeed be nothing less encoded. I save the home movie as avi. The film can then continue to watch on the PC, on the DVD player but lacks the sound!
Is not that strange?
The DVD player understands the audio codec, yes, he plays the unedited film. I am not changing the codec (Direct Stream Copy) and still missing from the edited film of the sound s.Standalone player.
How can it not be? Do I have to change things in Virtualdub but s.dem audio?
Grateful for any help
Antwort von Oli68:

I think I know where the problem lies: virtualdub the audio stream can not decode. The file information is "Compression: Unknown".
The Windows Media Player says "Audio Codec: Ligos MPEG audio decoder" and plays the video synonymous with sound.
Why does the Media Player can use the codec and not virtualdub? Can I teach virtualdub somehow to use the codec likewise?