Frage von patric:
I would like to move up a camcorder, but I basically do not know. A fundamental question for me would be whether its a built-in hard drive or Mini DV would give preference ... and why? Want to edit the films later s.PC, which is of advantage?
The movies / files to a PC you have but either way, while there is much difference in speed or quality?
Otherwise I take the other contributions that in the lower price Sonydie ahead and has to be wenns ¬ more than 500 then Panasonic (GS280), the bar? Correct?
Danke schon mal ...
Gruß, patric
Antwort von beiti:

If the camcorder hard disks in the same quality as the DV camcorder would take, he would be worth considering.
But unfortunately, all existing hard disks camcorder for capacity reasons in MPEG2 compression to take what can not quite keep up with quality DV and leaves less quality reserve for post-processing. The severe cutting of MPEG2 now goes really well, but once synonymous color corrections, etc. are necessary, DV has still a significant quality advantage.
If one wants to seriously rework, DV is still the measure of things.
Consideration could be synonymous a DV input to the finished films inexpensive archive full quality and then be able to not only DVDs of it have.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Patric,
if you want to reprocess the images, is announced MiniDV. Everything Else (DVD, hard drive) is currently doing (yet?) Just asking for trouble.
Tip: Use the search function with the keyword "DVD camcorder. Since you are clearly a lot ... ;-)
Antwort von Acer:

In addition, as an attachment:
Is your HDD full erstmal,
bist'e angry resentful,
because cartridges are much more fun
as synonymous matches up a lot more.
Is your HDD once full,
then what willste still filming?
For 10 mice 5 cassettes
be saved each scene.
With a backpack on the road,
your cam and 20 cartridges,
The HDD can sleep in beds,
because it is already "full" ...
And always without a PC here,
the HDD for 2 weeks in the jungle
where all the shots are out,
I do habn only 30GB.
But with higher quality,
the tapes sparkle with Souvarenitätm,
And a better picture un more memory,
13GB for one hour,
a full round
without the HDD.
That was my hope to understand ,...;.) Annex
The moves you as a young man,
to touch s.The small cassettes
For sdu HDD will regret it.
* edit *
after a single reading, I note
This "poem" is net of one of the Best '
And so it synonymous net next helps
well, I'm a Schimmelreiter ...;)
Antwort von marcvulkan:

Thanks s.Euch. You helped me a lot. So I'm quite a bit next.
I can now indeed almost losmaschieren and buy the good pieces.
If there any further questions, you will surely hear again of me;)
Thank you. Greeting
Antwort von harri:

hello together,
I stand at the moment facing the same decision and wanted to ask whether in the past two years what has changed significant or whether the recommendations are still going in the direction miniDV. or whether the possible advantages of the hdd to the miniDV been positive?
I would also like to know if the data transfer miniDV -> pc is in normal playback speed, or whether the zb in double speed, etc. going?
Many thanks & greet,
Antwort von beiti:
whether in the past two years what has changed significant or whether the recommendations are still going in the direction miniDV. or whether the possible advantages of the hdd to the miniDV been positive? Nothing has changed, that is in demand today more and more HDTV and therefore standard SD camcorder - no preference whether with tape or hard drive - for most new buyers have become uninteresting.
It follows a similar problem, but again, only now at a higher level and high resolution: Taking the kassettenbasierte HDV with the relatively good editing capabilities, or you take the festplatten-/dvd-/flashkartenbasierte AVCHD, the MPEG4 compression to the current state of computer technology nor the post of slow? It is not helping me much, now buy a very modern camcorder that can reprocess the recording is really only in three years.
Many filmmakers today like DV and HDV on hard drive and / or Flash card - but exactly what is being offered as of the manufacturers not so good. One must always choose between two evils: either the high quality with simple editing on the old tape, or the modern storage media with the quality not as good and poor record-editable format.
I would also like to know if the data transfer miniDV -> pc is in normal playback speed, or whether the zb in double speed, etc. going? From tape (DV or HDV) is only in real time.
Antwort von marcvulkan:

Guckst you here, you have both: