Frage von Stefan Nowak:
Which webcam (s) would be (s) suitable if you have a video of a classic
Guitar piece on youtube wishes? Say, what has webcam
a reasonably good and of the powerful Micro Aufnahmelautsärke
for this purpose?
Antwort von Ralf Handel:

"Stefan Nowak"
wrote in news post
news: fp3v06 $ 33l $ ...
> Which webcam (s) would be (s) suitable if you have a video of a classic
> Guitar piece on youtube wishes? Say, what has webcam
> A reasonably good and of the powerful Micro Aufnahmelautsärke
> For this purpose?
What speaks against the soundcard eingestöpseltes clever (tm)
eigenet then the synonymous to the next geschraddel to process ...
whether the ne Takamine or aldiklampfe is heard in the tube anyway
None out ....
CU Ralf
Antwort von Stefan Nowak:
Trading Ralf wrote:
>> What are the webcam (s) would be (s) suitable if you have a video of a
>> Classical guitar piece on youtube wishes? Say,
>> Which webcam has a reasonably good and of the Aufnahmelautsärke
>> Micro powerful for this purpose?
> What speaks against the soundcard eingestöpseltes clever (tm)
> Mikro?
> The eigenet then synonymous to the next geschraddel to process ...
Oops, because of my technology skills do not seem altogether.
War I in a simple manner and synchronously art? If I for example, a
Video on a cheap webcam and record the sound on this with Microphone
Soundcard? Is there perhaps a instructions on the web about this?
> Whether the ne Takamine or aldiklampfe is heard in the tube
> None go anyway ....
If even a Takamine, if an already synonymous, hm ... überleg ... over 20
Years old.
My handmade guitar, I'm 2 years ago to 1,200 euro
bought, is now in the corner. Given that I have only the
apparently not entirely straight fingerboard preparation leave. This does
a really good sound.
Antwort von Ralf Handel:
"Stefan Nowak" wrote in news post
news: fp4o0p $ be7 $ ...
> Oops, because of my technology skills do not seem altogether.
> War I in a simple manner and synchronously art? If I for example, a
> Video on a cheap webcam and record the sound on this with Microphone
> Soundcard? Is there perhaps a instructions on the web about this?
ich mach sowas with the movie maker. XP is on there. because everything is
synchronously, although the picture does something strange. But by the
low frame rate of my lowest-webcam.
I just wonder eh: cheap webcam and high-quality sound and the
Please synchronously. which uses it, anyway if you can not see exactly what you are
attack. ok, if hacking is really good, perhaps a couple of the
ab ;-)
of that. prefer to deliver the perfect play ...
here I find nice:
CU Ralf