Frage von der jürgen:
hi leute,
want to bring my video material of my hi8 to pc. synonymous got a USB capturer (I hope, you know what I mean by will), but the program ( "pvr-plus) can not erzieheln reasonable results. the picture is jerky and the picture to see shared. s.rand below is the actual photo of the upper section to see ...
habs tried synonymous with pinnacle, but because the tone is not consistent with the picture just right ...
So my question is:
I can anyone recommend a program with which you are good (and goes wenns can capture to mpeg2)? would obviously be great, would inet wenns ne ausm freeware:)
times already thanks jürgen
Antwort von peha: =
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jürgen,
do you ever considered that the software is not responsible for the fiasco, but the hardware with which you are trying to digitize the analog recordings?
Related topic:
Five ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer BTW: