Frage von stefangs:
s.alle snorkellers and divers.
I would like with my panasonic hdc SD300 demnaechst snorkeling. since the operation under water is not as comfortable, offering himself to the fully automatic mode. the change of color through the auto-white balance is terrible, so I wonder whether one of the white balance, perhaps even before that can be firmly set. There is empirical values for sowas or simply hoping for the best? am grateful for all tips.
Antwort von Riccho:

Hi Stefan,
Schau doch mal in this forum for:
Antwort von domain:

So I'd filmed while snorkeling with constant daylight vote, because in low depth are still plenty of other colors except blue. It is also a real blue-water impression zBseiner reef edge down to the depth very impressive and should not be taken by a greyish white balance.
In higher water depths, but you come anyway without lamps no longer synonymous, and there is therefore the daylight vote MMN sense. This results in beautiful color contrast between deep blue and the red-illuminated objects.
But is largely a matter of taste, and some you can still synonymous subsequently corrected in the NLE.
Antwort von stefangs:

Schau doch mal in this forum for:
thanks for the link - great resource!
Antwort von stefangs:

Thanks for your tips - looks like a normal daylight is the best option. schonmal's what makes it easier!