Frage von brian.C:
yes I'm looking to halt ne kamera skateboarding would be the optimum between 300-500 euro'm looking for the best but a bit clueless ... it should be synonymous fisheye on it and a good course and qualified man should get on the pc ^ ^ thanks in advance
Antwort von Axel:

The main point is a strong wide-angle range. I know myself in this price class do not, but you do not want
all the recordings have fisheye-distorted. Otherwise, the budget restricts you my not so. Cam A small enough, or can be of benefit (> travel).
Antwort von brian.C:

I do not quite understand what you want to say.
Antwort von brian.C:

I have a small problem I now include a team of skateboarding undbein now because without a good cameraman kamera.Und I would like to buy me a fisheye where it fits, has a good sound, and that the videos on the pc and get cut because and of course can be a good film qualitätBeim I stand on a skateboard synonymous and leaving the heist synonymous with one that does not wobble too much.
Had at least 4-6 comments very happy to me but next synonymous help) thanks in advance
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Had at least 4-6 comments very happy ... I propose that the discussion there:
continue, otherwise arg's confusing if you ask the same question several times.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Markus:

Thanks for the hint, Bernd. I have two threads about this here united.
@ Brian.C
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Gude brianC.
So if I have understood you correctly ...
Cam between 300 - 500 Euro
WW or Fisheye
everything capable of editing via PC
SK8 Area Action Videos
Ok then we times ......
SonyDCR series score used on Ebay, there are currently many auctions because a lot of people are on the Meihnung switch to HDV. The whole mini-DV is a good quality and can be easily post-process (Firewire card in the PC and software is of course of advantage)
WW (weitwinkel) vs.. Fisheye - now the WW will follow Shoot (assuming - / to go) the first choice. The Fisheye completes the picture contrast from verzeert is synonymous of quality and doing not so good, but is of the Quarter / pipe used for better turns / slides, etc. because it is synonymous throughout the rider will be mapped.
If you have a camera could have you look at the Manufacturer after the Lens / filter thread diameter and then looking in I look for a Net adapter .... buy these new s.besten and not on Ebay as pure online merchants do not have to pay Ebay fees and thus cheaper. (Prices of the adapter costs are between 30 - 150 Euro)
The film is from the deck of the Popo, this one uses inline skaters. (You know of or from shooting contests) This offer better stability and equal better from the movement. (who can also go backwards with his board ;-)
Blurring can only ironed out with a camera will see the Canon XL series or L IS Canon Lenses - both have liquid stabilizer systems and these Lenses are well over 500 euros.
Levitation systems or Steadycam are synonymous outside this price range and are almost never used in sk8 stuff.
Think you have now NEN bissel plan more of the matter and can get you better decide.
We / I look forward to your decision / experiences and ask quietly, as I began 20 years ago Still Image / 8 mm shots of skaters to make no gabs INet forums haeetten next to me helped.
Alla Peace and ride safe
B. DeKid
Antwort von kayburg:

when recordings
from the deck to be (I am anti-skate - that's the board where it is?) would perhaps be an analog-in for
"Guten Sound" kannst Du dir natürlich eigentlich gleich knicken. Erstmal: wozu brauchst Du den? Kommt da kein fetter RemixX drüber?
Ich würde die Atmo anders aufzeichnen, oder vielleicht ein Ansteckmikro unters Board (dann kommen die Rollen-/Skate-Geräusche vielleicht besser raus). Ohne Windschutz läuft natürlich gar nichts, bei der Geschwindigkeit gibt es sofort Windgeräusche.
Wenn ein Micro drunter: manuelle Tonaussteuerung!! Ohne hast Du wohl lautes Geräusch, mehr nicht. Also etwas vordämpfen muss da wohl schon sein.
Im Gegensatz zu einer Digitalkamera kriegt man für 500 ¬ bei Camcordern eben nicht so "den" Hit, das ist leider so.
Lowlight dürfte dabei ja wohl nicht so das Ding spielen, ihr werdet ja (zumindest hoffentlich) wegen der Gefahr nur im Hellen skaten, damit wäre ein Punkt, der meist alles zerreißt, schon mal weg.
Mein Tipp:
Purchase nicht alles auf einmal. Wenn Du nun 500 ¬ für all the schedule, you'll just unfortunate. For example, you purchase the Camera and now perhaps WW. Later (when it should be now) and then Sporty Cam Micro. And then again - look,
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ahha the host is an anti-skating ..... hmmm yes the interesting times ;-)
So because of the sound, the piece of foam NEN via Panzertape on the existing microphone that is perfect .....
Night driving is already in see down there on the 2nd MOTION video go, is pretty good and nice in Szeneggesetzte EFX worth NEN glance, I find.
Mic or Camera on deck to NEN stick is so ne thing ... we habens times with his MoutainBoard was tested for co s + + As would be ne backpack Jig rather like what it desöfteren at (kite) surfing videos looks but is synonymous not true.
But the tip with the true money and everything to buy and practice practice practice then it will be synonymous with the pictures.
At night - big generator and emitters are absolutely necessary ......
To balance ...... Well actually yes, the ears are not responsible for the arms ;-) 6 TE .. Bio class was not as often but I still learned synonymous ;-))
To Glidecam NEN joke So you can safely synonymous yourself ..... and the Still Image with the Skater shows clearly that there has never been used of freaks ... otherwise would take a while inliners Roces ;-))) Nix K2 lol
Now as I said buying ne Cam WW NEN NEN cheap adapter and tripod for the beginning of the first should be rich .... vorallem and your boys make clear that they now not only be because wanton ne da Camera is .... since I've been so many "great" break gesehn ;-))
You before I forget ichs habs times with nem sprung K2 Kickboard (the pole with the attempt was ok .... but not with his inliners few to compare.
Antwort von stef08:

What does anti-skating - can ne nice job, but this "cult" I think (like everyone else) somehow affig ;-)
You're right, which is in the ear is the sense of balance.
If the poor with the entirely wrong, then explain me why when you walk / run / walk is always formal, or let them hang times and tell me how it was ;-)
To austarieren the arms are used, if you want, or not --
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Oh come ;-) Wars are not meant as ;-)))) löl
Un the picture is quite clear what the make, with one hand (right-greets his friends in the Left and the ne held camera (which you've probably gone retouched ;-)))))***
Possessions, but visual understanding of your skating although probably not tions "as a cult or just so ne day fly is like surfing but have now all cultures formed.
It is defenitiv a "hardcore" sport and requires a lot from the operator.
Lol and to the poor - have been quite the must already be used to fully clear ... just wanted you aufziehn guest and I had in Bio NE 1 ;-) The "measles" I probably had more in spelling ;-)
Now and for the GliedCam ... well far too expensive and not appropriate synonymous times .... really, so so nice that you made yourself the trouble, but firstly, can the brianC. they do not pay for / or. still use.
The more thought should be to change attitudes, editing, music and other things.
Too much stuff in your head and distracts s.vom wessentlichen one is always the Meihnung Hmmm with its GliedCam would be better "and that's just nonsense. (Even if perhaps would be better)
Creativity does not come with Equitment, Equitment can only encourage creativity.
Let him first film, cut to learn and then he himself finds what he needs, and I saw defenitiv nor anyone in the last years of his ne Steadycam to skate this place had ;-) And if it arises because, he will quickly become " Poser "and that should probably not be the goal.
So forget it and it was not so serious, life is not always so bleak as you might consider. You should have fun and work hard for his hobby and then, life is synonymous ok, no preference how much misery there is out there and how much political nonsense .... the God that gave us the surfing and skating BMX MTB ;-) so seh ichs halt and believe me, I kuck like in the mirror ;-) Even if you with other things could make more money, it's the fun I swear fidelity .
Alla guest what I wish you and do not be angry, funny sehs from its perspective and have fun.
Greets DeKid B.
*** this is NEN Olie 2 Kickflip denk ich mal. And synonymous NEN good, and NEN good .... Still Image Still Image series as it would be even better .... you can see s.der arm and feet ;-) s.den The range is just the point Height is grinding inappropriate.
PS I'm too stupid for skating so I started photographing s.zu yes .... and my world belongs to the 2 wheels (BMX / MTB / MX / SM)
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

I find the constantly recurring shots with the fish eye for trendy sports pretty lame. Normal WW Shots I like much better but this is only my subjective opinion.
What are the Stuntbar ... For 10 euro is the reconstructed, without the technical skills you would need. You need only a drill and two Aluschi.
My camera because I would not dranhängen when a skater performs the thing - but often, the fall out and be happy ;-)
Antwort von stef08:

... where is the Glidecam too expensive? So I have much more expensive, simple accessories seen - but the converted cost "only" 40 ¬.
Because replica - I remember s.die screws, because I am sometimes more or less failed (for a different design).
Nevertheless, we must know how to position the thing he wants. It is indeed an impossible have Image Stabilization, which is why it can be assumed that the filmmaker has either Parkinson's or when the trip is to be. I do not really know how to ride in the hold, etc., so a Sporty Cam might not be bad thing (I imagine so). If this is the film that is not moving, so you need not super Image Stabilization but the time to learn how to keep freehand (with both hands) without an earthquake can be simulated.
Incidentally, I had in high school in Bio two sub courses, and not only had to be convinced sowas:-D
Antwort von brian.C:

So firstly I would like to apologize ... and times do I have to synonymous, dennn I have in my question in more detail have been times I start it properly.
So the kaerma will actually stand for when man a couple trepppen no preference how many jumps but uses s.meisten the ride.
And the fisheye is actually for the bvild but what will change as a WW are not around in the image?
And still I drive behind mim skateboard or other drives Miter hinterher.Also I think that the most important is the quali t sound the net must now be 100% good ... it will be anyway Music and other things added because the sound is no longer so important.
And to that I can handle myself in baumarkt for ¬ 5 euro making it is not.
But anyway thank you would be synonymous nt if you give me a few pictures or pages or modele says synonymous if you do not auskent is your opinion so I seh me to stop then.
Can I then auchh someone explain what 3CCD is my father is so synonymous ne cam knows but not really he has ne NV_GS 70 The Panasonic me but he does not want to borrow. I think that's true jetrzt described in detail what I want.
Brian. C from luxembourg
Antwort von B.DeKid:

WW vs. Fisheye aka What's what
Antwort von stef08:
But when s.meisten ride. Yes because as a ride, stop, fix? The times would be a help ... ;-)
@ B. DeKid
The SportyCam is certainly no Goldfang. It must be strong but still wonder, as always disguised in sowas rumgeritten is - I suppose anyone here generally the thinking, or do not want to look like the mag.
This Cam is just like the Glidecam things a Picture-in the head of the Asker, a new picture, maybe an idea. There are professional cameras like the SportyCam, are deployed in skydiving synonymous or very often on concert DVDs s.die guitar necks.
That you do not buy now, but you can reserve - because in two months because Money is back, and it annoys you, perhaps, that the inputs do not exist. It must not be Aiptek, you can even search and compare synonymous - perhaps there are cheap, good alternatives. Or you can buy the Aiptek, and tests them in the event of the case back, withdraw. There is no solution - it is an extension and the whole a great idea, nothing more.
Although the nice thread creator for 5 ¬ in DIY can buy, he has the bolt problem is not resolved and still a new idea in your head, just as "I can make it yourself" phrase kopfschüttelnd rejected. Many ideas and inventions are based on pure logic, but of himself, you usually do not thing (this applies generally, not specifically for the Glidecam).
We have now rauskristallisiert what about brian wants, right?
- MiniDV
-compact (for skating (??))
relatively good sound -
IF-sports camera (but not Aiptek model of firm x y in a few weeks) then AV input
Filter Thread
I can now each model in the mid-throw, but if it brings the so ...
One could now lists as the best of Look Magazine, and to sort out which are too expensive or do not have the properties. For those who are left, now look what the average s.Besten performs and takes note of this. "Ta da". (it is not so, that as a questioner not even have to do ...)
From digital video actively get the list for free on the Net, the latest of the video movies I like to copy, if those who wanted to.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Host
You're lying with your assumption true. I have already before 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. years FingerCams used it s.Helmen, sailing, RC Helis, Motoradschwingen .... even s.Skateboards ;-) And Yes a cam with a video in Singnal is synonymous of advantage.
I take advantage of you still synonymous although the cameras are currently used far more expensive than 300 euros ;-(
But unfortunately I can only say from experience that to some small exceptions, it has trouble wasted love.
The handling and the result (quality) are so difficult that I just this very far to the rear would be in my planning. (From brianC. Starting position considered)
As already mentioned above, it draws mainly zusehr s.vom.
One of the screws from the building, I can only say that you certainly can find or a set of 2-5 Spare screws Tripods Manfrotto ordered for example, a "lifetime" can deliver change.
I think the only stop someone like brianC. is quickly distracted by these tips, although you will be of relevance.
But your idea with the "hit list" as I find very good, this would link him to determine a more objective viewpoint or a settlement offer clue.
So I think we are here only once and should leave brianC. first of all what does he look so promise would then allow him to assist his further decisions could be.
So brianC. s.Zug you are, you look a bit at times and presented a few models kongrete you could have. To help us with your Council and in fact may be Page. That is so synonymous here ;-)
Such an example, I still synonymous
DCR-PC330E and I with the functions and quality of content. They always used as a light 2t Camera and then they cost (about 4 years round 1200 euros) think the 399 is ok then.
This here is a friend of my
SONY DCR-VX1000-E-with-DV-IN Go kucken times and with the two models, one is ever "good" advice.
Antwort von brian.C:

So the Sonyauf derebay site I like quite well. But I do not want to buy bad fisheye. (I've decided for fisheye). My friend has ne panasonic nv GS 20 with nem Raynox fisheye and the result is there
So something will in no case at all was better.
Edit: I go with my skateboard and someone behind the camera I have in hand and movies as he does tricks.
Edit 2: My expenditures have improved ie dei camera can pan 800 or less odermeh spent, of course desot less desot esser or bad? I willnur no preference what good what it costs.
Edit 3: I want the forum but did not zuspammen with my father on the 1000 vx SonyDcr talk of good designs, andthe hand is perfect just because your friend has no videos or something?
Brian c
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Gude brianC. So what your friend might as well have called Fisheye but it is a WW.
And the quality (in terms of the links you like) is actually less of the WW / Fisheye comes from but by the codec and format the resulting youtube supports.
Un the videos because I came to ask, but are synonymous not really better than that of your friend across when you land on youtube.
Youtube unterstützet recently 320x240 or 640 x 480 pixels but the Cam is filming so 720x576 Pal DVD format.
As a little tip on something is regarding lenses
The greater the diameter of your lens to somehr light the camera can record.
See times a mobile camera with a photo camera.
This may be a mobile camera has more pixels than the camera used, but should be the picture from the camera more convincing than that of the Handycam. That is synonymous with video. The bigger the lens the better the quality. (Grob gesgt, please do not now about CCD vs. teachings. CMOS vs. HDV or DV)
[/ list]
Antwort von Tuffy:

My YouTube spackt grad, but I think the biggest problem is the recording of light, which is something ... how do you say about this ... well, it is somewhat vague. So the colors are there, and it roars not synonymous, but somehow it's all dull.
Can you possibly post with skillfully supplement (curves, levels, saturation ...)
I know the GS20 not, but do you do with Raynox certainly nothing wrong.
The VX1000 may be good, but it has no display, which is likely for you to be so essential. And (I can not help me) so you can handle it for 5 ¬ from the DIY store pick ;-)
At 800 ¬, I would try for 80 ¬ A Fisheye to get a Canon HV20 and take. This is already HDV (which is cool because as the "Skating in High Definition"?) And better pictures for less money you get just does not work.
Antwort von dash snow:

So hv to 20 and the sony dcr are not bad but only for the sony one sees the building not
Is that if I do haute evening still send videos to youtube tvon Not as far as the WW fisheye or go?
Antwort von Skatender Gast:

Regarding Fisheye you should be skating for a baby Death MK2 use about 200 ¬
Cam could you look at the Panasonic GS 230 or 320 chart.
Antwort von brian.C:

So thanks for the tips but I hab da mal ne ask so I'm ischer it tells me there is no story but you know a bit mim Skatn from or have you already seen good videos?
Rest now have no video but I just want to know ^ ^
Edit: hab n video found. something who is nt bad.
Antwort von skatender gast:

Yes, I skate synonymous since 16 years
and as I said,
baby death fisheye century optics mk2 of
and I cam würd 3CCD panasonic nv GS 230 recommend synonymous without fisheye has a nice weitwinkel
Antwort von skatender guest:

here are a good link with tips for filming at skate
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Here, of his young I know at different cams filmed material of the last 2 years
But something else ... is now a thread where we are now certain driving (videos) post or are we still on topic?
So the Panasonic is proposing the Fred synonymous ne nice Cam, nevertheless you need (brianC.) the decision. As I said the movies are only better by the Camera. Editing, shooting, location, music and just synonymous EFX are crucial if someone likes the ankucken or rather says ... well is nice but already seen a thousand times. So again and go to the page of the 2nd motion video and reinziehn sehn appearance today as it should! Because sorry but the whole Homemade sk8 videos go on youtube are so exciting as the P + O + R + N + O + S is almost equal to the Net I named Page beginning with You.
So let's stay on topic ..... yes we know now how NEN Fisheye or WW looks. And again Sorry but fisheye images are for Kot defenitiv ** n. Who wants to round nem Eckigen images on screen? The times you can use gravity to ne alla Board Slide Setting Up s.der Pipe to film but then that's synonymous. Nen WW is better in every instance!
Alla penner times I go see you guys.
PS If something very cool EFX sehn want should you reinziehn this video was posted of the boys in this
Antwort von Peter06:

link for you:
Antwort von brian.C:

CIH So am I still s.denken whether the panasonic nv gs 320 or take the Canon MVX100i and then actually a Kenko fisheye of the century or baby death model.
I hope you köönt me say here whether the two are good or not thanks.
Antwort von bento124:

So I have the Kenko to time, is the best price-performance, sharp synonymous sites s.den, low vignetting ...
but I will now order a century
Antwort von gueest:

I would not gs 320 Special which 230er take
because the 320 has a geringerse weitwinkel
or 16:9 if you want to film the 320er
if you want the 4:3 film 230er
the canon, I do not know
Antwort von brian.C:

I am grateful for the many respond.
But I still have a few questions.
I write just a few models but at the moment in my head and flutter around you can then write to me if the good or not. I know sounds stupid sch s.aber None else I have I can Hellfest:
panasonic nv mx 350
panasonic NV GS 230
panasonic nv gs 320
panasonic NV GS 180
Panasonic DS27
I need me now, not all models describe or so. Möcte I only know whether the "synonymous" good.
Thanks in advance Brian C
Antwort von brian.C:

Because so little has been written None .... no preference
I was with my father and decided to buy me a panasonic nv gs 320 but my father says that a fisheye picture would do poorly. Very bad. That man almost nothing mer recognizes (exaggerated). What do you think?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... my father says that a fisheye picture would do poorly. Very bad. That man almost nothing mer recognizes (exaggerated) ... Fish-eye converter behave no different than any other lens attachments synonymous: the good affect the image quality is little to approve the Picture deteriorate so that it no longer really look like. Here in the forum you'll find plenty of tips sure what Fisheye Camera for your (and your wallet) is suitable.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von saemse:

Good day,
I give you a few tips (skateboard and ride myself am about 10 years since s.filmen) to make skateboard footage:
Look to the camera you buy in no case is too small, which makes the film especially for shots.
At best, the cameras are, of course, already have at hand such as
canon-XM1 / 2
if the money but not enough for those models you can with a little trick denoch pretty good shot on film:
dier henkel buy one like a "u" is like a bent for the garage is appropriate and mount the camera below s.der at the thread for the tripod which is thought. so you can hold the camera above, but it is located very close s.boden. what is very important. Always as low as possible on film.
As for the fisheye view, a really cheap which makes the picture pretty much broken.
Since you have very deep into the pockets, I recommend you all the brand "Century" which fisheye camera produced for each.
Antwort von TiMovie:

did not read through all the treats!
Have a few years ago, synonymous skateboard films rotated (17 years was himself a passionate skater)
We have brought together the Sonyvx1000 with a Ultrafisheye was then time for the top skater Cam at day - when it gets dark very noisy!
your problem we will probably be that you at an affordable wide angle constantly pronounced vignetting will see the shadows outside - and that does not look nice!
An Ultra Fisheye costs, however loosely s.die 1000 Euros to upgrade!
So I would say for 500 ¬ + Cam Fisheye looks bad - what if one half wants vernümftiges produce.
grüße Timo