Frage von Calimero:
Gibt's freeware for this?
Antwort von Hans-Peter Falken:

Windows Movie Maker
Antwort von Calimero:

"Hans-Peter Falk"
wrote in news post
news: bveldq $ d2u $ 01 $ ...
> Windows Movie Maker
Thought that the only wmv -> wmv
I've tried, but found no avi.
Antwort von Jürgen He:
> [...]
> Covered who can only wmv -> wmv
> I've tried, but found no avi.
When in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the" Wizard
Save Movie "at the top after you 'More Options
show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
Possibility synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Calimero:
"He Jürgen" wrote in news post
news: bvfoju KPV $ $ 02 $ ...
> Calimeroschrieb:
>> [...]
>> Indoor, which can only wmv -> wmv
>> I've tried, but found no avi.
> If you are in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
> Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the" Wizard
> Save Movie "at the top after you 'More Options
> Show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
> Possibility synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
Huch, because I in a hurry just read DV. Thank you!
Antwort von Matthias Eller:
"Calimero" delighted us with:
> Gibt's freeware for this?
Depends on what you do want. The Elementary Streams from the World Cup
Container in ne AVI container pack. (much more useful little why the
do? would not synonymous solution).
Or re-encode as DivX or VP6 or what always synonymous.
Then the quellfile using Avisynth (Direct Show Source) and the open
Script then load into VirtualDub and encode as normal.
Do not write to the address shown above.
Only use this one:
matthias_eller web de
Antwort von Calimero:
"He Jürgen" wrote in news post
news: bvfoju KPV $ $ 02 $ ...
> Calimeroschrieb:
>> [...]
>> Indoor, which can only wmv -> wmv
>> I've tried, but found no avi.
> If you are in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
> Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the" Wizard
> Save Movie "at the top after you 'More Options
> Show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
> Possibility synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
> Gruß, Jürgen
Hi Jürgen,
I've just done, however, reads WfV Magel VirtualDub filter the
DV-AVI does not ...
Gruss, Calimero
Antwort von Calimero:
"He Jürgen" wrote in news post
news: bvfoju KPV $ $ 02 $ ...
> Calimeroschrieb:
>> [...]
>> Indoor, which can only wmv -> wmv
>> I've tried, but found no avi.
> If you are in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
> Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the" Wizard
> Save Movie "at the top after you 'More Options
> Show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
> Possibility synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
> Gruß, Jürgen
With Dr. DivX had worked. Merci.
Antwort von Hamed S.:
"Calimero" wrote in message news: <401b8a72 $ 0 $ 320 $> ...
> "He Jürgen" wrote in news post
> News: bvfoju KPV $ $ 02 $ ...
>> Calimeroschrieb:
>>> [...]
>>> Thought, you can only wmv -> wmv
>>> I've tried, but found no avi.
>> If you are in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
>> Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the" Wizard
>> Save Movie "at the top after you 'More Options
>> Show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
>> Option synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
> Oops, since I have in a hurry just read DV. Thank you!
Yes it works but in the AVI wahnsinning are great! Is this normal?
WMV 121MB in size were then about 6.2 GB!
Has someone an idea?
Antwort von Calimero:
"Hamed S." wrote in news post
Re: wmv -> avi # # #
> "Calimero" wrote in message
news: <401b8a72 $ 0 $ 320 $> ...
>> "Jürgen He" wrote in news post
>> News: bvfoju KPV $ $ 02 $ ...
>>> Calimeroschrieb:
>>>> [...]
>>>> Thought, you can only wmv -> wmv
>>>> I've tried, but found no avi.
>>> If you are in Movie Maker under "Finish" option "on computer
>>> Save "option, then you have the 2nd step of the wizard
>>> Save Movie "at the top after you 'More
>>> Show ... "is enabled then the" More Preferences "
>>> Possibility synonymous DV-AVI (PAL) as the output format.
>> Oops, because I in a hurry just read DV. Thank you!
> ...
> Hi,
> Yes it works but in the AVI wahnsinning are great! Is this normal?
> 121MB in WMV format were then about 6.2 GB!
> Has someone an idea?
> Greeting
> Hami
It is eigendlich DV in AVI and it's always so great. So with Dr. DivX
eg convert to DivX.
Antwort von Hans-Peter Falken:
Hi Hamed,
> Yes it works but while the AVI is
> Wahnsinning big! Is this normal?
> 121MB in WMV format were then
> About 6.2 GB!
Quite possible.
> Has someone an idea?
New compact, eg with TMPGEnc for SVCD or something like that