Frage von Apu82:
Are my greetings,
I would like to own Buton in DVDSP Import 3rd At Encore This dates with photoshop. But how this works across dvdsp? UACh on psd files with a certain formatierenung or must / can be there to tinker dvdsp even what?
I look forward to your answers!
schöne grüße
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Antwort von GhostDog:

I again, this time I hope you can help too. DSP also accept Photoshop templates. There are two variants:
1. The menu with layers. This is a Photoshop file with just the background (the background level) and several other levels at which are the buttons with their respective states. If you had 3 buttons background layer with the outline for the normal buttons and 6 other planes that you s.besten To rename: "1 selected", "1 activated", "2 selected", etc., you understand. In DSP you then choose the toolbar menu with layers to add "and delete the Standartmenu from the list. S.funktioniert From there everything as usual, you pull part of your buttons. Except that you do instead of overlay colors checkmark in the information window to "Menu" or "button" in the plane table, the rest explains itself really of advantage to this method: The colors are better. Disadvantages: It can not be background music and no video slows synonymous and the navigation itself.
2. The overlay method. In Photoshop, you create can (about your background graphic to be synonymous video) your buttons, and synonymous only its "highlights", which means the zone in which the presence or select either the color of the keys change, an arrow or scrape hands or a thumbnail video clip appears as a green border is a sign that it is meant. This must be only one level, and for them is a particularity: DSP interprets pure white (255/255/255) as totally transparent, pure black as fully opaque. Would you specify a file, such as with a completely black circle in the info window as an overlay for your background image, but you should have (especially the rounded shape because of) a button with plenty of bright thick Alias | Wavefront Mayaing () the pixelated, twinkling edges. Therefore provides the beginning of the overlay method "Advanced" in which you can specify "grayscale".
Go as follows: Choose a new file in Photoshop with (I think s.Photoshop 7) the default "PAL D1 / DV 720 x 576 with auxiliary lines, RGB color mode. Herein Create your background image or import a frozen frame from your video background. Then, create with Apple-Shift-N, a new level, where you draw the silhouettes of your buttons, paint or importing - pure black for everything that should be visible. If you have already graduated multi-colored graphics, it would reduce with reducing Saturation and Brightness to -100. Then you will save s. below "Menu Template. Then you throw away the Level 1 and will save s. below "Menu Background".
Then you open a new file, again the default "PAL, etc., with", but this time in the color "gray" and white background. Choose the level 1 from the "Menu template file and place it goes here. Reduce to a plane. Then with the magic wand on the black areas, apple-C, and 2 times Apple-V to copy this layer twice. The background layer will make sure you adjust the "Picture = = brightness to +66% to +33% at Level 1, Level 2 is black. Draw now with "Free Transform" and holding the shift button first then level 1 and level 2 slightly smaller. Your buttons should now black silhouettes with about 2-3 pixels wide dark gray and light gray also be such a broad stroke. Reduce With Apple-Shift-E on one level and save as "button overlay.
Now you can share this file with the Standartmenu in the "Advanced = Grayscale - method of assigning Menu Information window as an overlay and determined for the different shades of gray color and its transparency free. The result, after a little practice, a clean, beautiful button. Even brilliance can be achieved, or almost glows, just not as elegant as in the Layers menu and not quite as fast ...
Antwort von Axel:
Go as follows: Choose a new file in Photoshop with (I think s.Photoshop 7) the default "PAL D1 / DV 720 x 576 with auxiliary lines, RGB color mode. That was just what I had not connected me. Correction: Choose RGB
mode, but as a color, but as a color
profile "PAL / SECAM.
Antwort von Axel:
Reduce to a plane. Then with the magic wand on the black areas, apple-C, and 2 times Apple-V to copy this layer twice. The background layer will make sure you adjust the "Picture = = brightness to +66% to +33% at Level 1, Level 2 is black. Draw now with "Free Transform" and holding the shift button first then level 1 and level 2 slightly smaller. Yo, I nochma, synonymous s.Menu've just been working and realized that I've dished out crap again. You'll catch the buttons from the "Menu template (Level 1) course, THREE TIMES in the grayscale image, the transparency is maintained and you can take the rubbish to pay with the magic wand. 're Not here in Hogwarts! Only at the very s.Schluss reduce "On a plane!
Antwort von Apu82:

Fette Sache! If everything works so far! But is already much more complicated than in the Encore I think. I thought that was very pleasant to be able to make a button, which I can then reinziehen in each menu, etc. .. Well, no preference! Do you know you made synonymous with scripting? Fact, I would like to know how to define a variable to change when pressing a certain button their worth. I would then retrieve this value later, and thus controlling the further navigation ...
But you've helped me so synonymous again very!
Thanks a lot times already!
Antwort von Axel:

You would be very grateful if you give me if possible explain in detail how you Encore for the overlay buttons you created in Photoshop. My method is in fact s.das Manual ajar, otherwise trial and error. But there must be a synonymous for DSP method vorzubasteln own buttons and pull each as needed in a new menu, since they own creations are circulating the net. It seems to me, but never managed to fit them, they just never end up s.der right place, or are the wrong size. Therefore, although I use synonymous own "templates", but they fit into Photoshop in the menu, not in the DSP. This is probably more complicated than necessary. Perhaps you have a tip there ...
With scripting, I have looked never would get around, although not drum, but since I'm at least a fortnight. For me it is synonymous to buttons. But I read that you need to learn any programming language because it similar to the tables are stories in which you Variablenformeln simple drag and drop, insert, or something. Some things - like the overlays - is missing for me is always the crucial clarification in the manual, and then I sit in front looong and tinkerers. If you're faster than me, please let me know. Manus manum lavat
Antwort von Apu82:
Manus manum lavat nunc manum tuum lavare Probam
So relating to their own keys in DSP, I can not say much synonymous. Have searched for the location of time DSP buttons, because I was planning to replicate it. But I'm not found it. So I made it that is synonymous with the Encore Buttons! Would I recommend you synonymous, since that is cleared up many things fairly quickly.
Encore buttons are yes. Psd files. So you just look at them at times in Photoshop!
I'll try it again but here synonymous get together. So, you make a new Photoshop Picture with 3 layers. The lowest layer of the normal state and the two upward to highlight States. Now you have to rename the layer eigenlich just right so that they correctly understand encore. And this goes like this: unpack all your layers in a Layerset and give it a name for Layerset. Before these names you will pack a "(+)". The Layerset should therefore be named in the format "(+) name". Thus schonmal Encore recognizes that it is a button. The file name can be freely read (must be no (+) included). The highlight layer can leave the name the following format: Highlight Layer 1: "(= 1) name", highlight layer 2 '(= 2 name). "
And then threw the really already. So it is sufficient to give names to the layers, only certain encore and then recognizes everything. You can synonymous all kinds of effects, and masks, etc., after use without having to reduce to a flat ...
Somehow a lot more pleasant than the overlay method for dsp! On the other hand, we both know not stop synonymous as it gets. Maybe it's just as easy and we know it just yet ...
So when one knows what ... ;-)
I hope this helps you next. Could not grad myself to try, because I'm working on, and here you get only macs and thus no encore. I hope my memory has not deserted ...
So long
Antwort von Apu82:
But I read that you need to learn any programming language because it similar to the tables are stories in which you Variablenformeln simple drag and drop, insert, or something. What are stories? Think not synonymous, that they need a lot of programming language or can use. Dvd player for this are far too stupid eh
Antwort von Axel:

The method that you describe for Encore, may actually be only the levels method of Photoshop, which I described in the first point, which would have the disadvantage that you can no inferior music. Is that still goes s.Encore this point and thus s.Windows. I usually give up music or videos in the menu, because I think the 24bit graphics better than the color but fairly limited overlay.
Stories are alternate versions section. I create an episodic film of many short stories, semi-documentary fashion, each part between 5 and 10 minutes long, but each with a meaningful connection with s.den next part. It looks like this:
1.Haupttitel; 2.Intro with title first clip; 3.Erster clip; 4.Titel second clip; 5.Zweiter clip, etc., in the end a track credits. I have played in the main menu a button "movie" and a "Chapter Selection". By selecting "play movie", all songs played in succession, until the title for each short story, so only the main title, all the clips and the end of the credits. If one chooses a single short story from the second, the Kapitelmenu, shows the little intro with the name of the clip and the clip itself, then the player jumps into the back Kapitelmenu with the button selected in the next chapter.
All elements are individual Mpeg2 files, I prefer them in DSP, but after the other in a track and put on any "cut mark" a chapter markers with unique name (synonymous One could make a single file, but I prefer denominations, it is my stop functioning) . Then I select the toolbar "Add Story". The story appears in the Folder List view in "track 1". I open the folder and click the second tab "story". Now I prefer a simple drag and drop the main title, all the clips and the credits to the list. This is story 1, the target track of the first button. Anchor end of the story 1: Main menu.
Once I click on "Add Story". In this "Story 2" I prefer just "intro clip and title one" and "Clip one". Button to Button 1, Story 2 is the Kapitelmenu, jumping end is selected "Kapitelmenu 2" with Button 2 - as previously described.
Here, now - really! - Used only a trace and stored on the carrier. Synonymous, it would be technically possible to have a story of a track jump to the next or the following story on the track, but we see a speed camera when switching. Therefore: When stories pack everything into a track!
Antwort von Apu82:
The method that you describe for Encore, may actually be only the levels method of Photoshop, which I described in the first point, which would have the disadvantage that you can no inferior music. Is that still goes s.Encore this point and thus s.Windows. So the buttons, I have described, one can simply pack it in the library and then reinziehen in each menu. frankly I've not tried to put music on the menus, but since my buttons'm acting just like the default buttons of encore, I am sure that it works. can not be that I have a default button in the menu and then can draw drunterlegen no more music! So probiers times out!