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/// Slashcam News - March 2010
New version Magix Video HD easy 31.March 2010
Film Flap Editor: Inglourious Basterds 31.March 2010
Free GPU-Lens Distortion for After Effects 30.March 2010
Color Grading Blender 29.March 2010
First Dual Hexacore benchmarks in video section 29.March 2010
Adobe CS5 premiere on the digital editing Fair 2010 28.March 2010
HTML5 video player than 28.March 2010
Update to problems with Adobe Premiere Elements 8 27.March 2010
Short test Matrox MXO2 Mini Box 27.March 2010
Trusted Reviews tests the HDC-TM700 ... 26.March 2010
The Great Camera Shootout 2010 26.March 2010
New Pocket Recorder by Roland (R-05) and zoom (H1) 25.March 2010
Perian QuickTime component version 1.2.1 released 25.March 2010
In a personal matter slashCAM for mobile devices 24.March 2010
More effective camera sensors presented - Quantum Film 24.March 2010
Adobe Lightroom 3 beta 2 with DSLR video capabilities 24.March 2010
Adobe Unveils Creative Suite CS5 officially on April 12 before 24.March 2010
AMD brings Hexacores at lowest price? 23.March 2010
RamenHDR version 0.5 is here ... 23.March 2010
I'm here (in theory) - web video for a few 22.March 2010
Canon provides Final Cut Pro ProRes transcoding plugin for free 22.March 2010
First in Germany available 3D television from Samsung in the test 21.March 2010
Has Hollywood the blue-orange-Look virus? 20.March 2010
Cyberlink PowerDVD has published 10 with 3D functions 19.March 2010
Canon brings corrected 24p Firmware Update for Canon EOS 5D MKII 19.March 2010
More rumors about Red Hat clone from Canon - CR1 18.March 2010
Canon EOS 5D MKII 24p firmware Audio Bug? 18.March 2010
BrainPort can blind people with the tongue 17.March 2010
Probelesen DSLR in video tutorial book "From Still to Motion'quot; by Peachpit Press 17.March 2010
In their own right: slashCAM on Twitter 16.March 2010
Canon EOS 5D MKII Firmware 2.0.3 to include 24 B / s and histogram available 16.March 2010
Later: First Camera with Pet Detection ... 15.March 2010
G-Technology Hitachi supports film projects with 5,000 euros and disks 14.March 2010
Color correction in comparison: MC Avid, Final Cut Pro, Color, Magic Bullet Looks, Magic Bullet Colo 14.March 2010
Indirect Lighting in Blender Alpha 1 13.March 2010
New Sony APS-C concept car with a controllable Bokeh 12.March 2010
Low budget underwater video recording (HD) with Jaytech 12.March 2010
RTL, ProSiebenSat.1 soon be in HD on Kabel Germany? 12.March 2010
CPU utilization Flash vs. HTML5 on Win and Mac 11.March 2010
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland - 3D from 2D was 11.March 2010
Linux Video Editor OpenShot in version 1.1 released 10.March 2010
Final Cut Pro 6 Final Cut Pro faster than 7? 10.March 2010
Visualiserungs free audio plug-ins for Mac (FCP, Motion, and AFX) 9.March 2010
Sony XDCAM EX PMW-350 in test 9.March 2010
XDCAM EX firmware upgrade available 8.March 2010
Final Cut Pro disproportionately represented at Oscar Night 8.March 2010
Panasonic DMC-G2 and DMC-G10 - no direct GH1 successor 7.March 2010
Deal Avid vs. FCP - prefer to deal with both 7.March 2010
Night vision for 750, - Dollars Noktor Hyper Prime 50mm F0.95 6.March 2010
Newer Vado pocket camcorder reach Europe 5.March 2010
Production Report: Multi-Cam Shoot & Edit with Canon 5d MKII 5.March 2010
EDIUS 5.5 comes to the NAB 4.March 2010
Avid Liquid is a - upgrade to Media Composer v4.x 4.March 2010
Aiptek introduces its own 3D Cam at CeBIT 2010: Aiptek's 3i 3.March 2010
Matrox HD-SDI scan converter for under $ 1,000, - before 3.March 2010
Avatar: No Oscar nominations for the actors 2.March 2010
Canon announces EOS 5D MKII officially published update for mid-March to 2.March 2010
RamenHDR - and continue to go ... 1.March 2010
Canon EOS 5D MKII Postproduction 1.March 2010

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last update : 26.März 2025 - 12:02 - slashCAM is a project by channelunit GmbH- mail : slashcam@--antispam:7465--slashcam.de - deutsche Version