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/// Slashcam News - May 2012
Outdoor SLR Camera PENTAX K-30 with Full HD 31.May 2012
CINE 50mm SLR Magic Hyper Prime T0.95 versus Leica Noctilux 31.May 2012
Clip Exporter for Final Cut Pro X Project & Export Quicktime Reference Movie 30.May 2012
Facebook petition to Apple Mac Pro developed momentum 30.May 2012
Adobe brings CS6 updates: Premiere Pro with improved performance OpenCL 29.May 2012
Lightworks v11 is here 29.May 2012
Weisscam: Crowd Funding for T-Cam 4K 29.May 2012
60 fps slow motion with the iPhone 4s with SloPro 28.May 2012
Menu simulator for the Canon EOS C300 28.May 2012
Litepanels LED on-camera light Croma in test 27.May 2012
12 123 DVB-T receiver for Android from Elecom 27.May 2012
Competition from AMD for young filmmakers 26.May 2012
Charges on USB sticks and memory cards to increase dramatically 25.May 2012
LaCie Seagate takes over 25.May 2012
Netstor announces at Thunderbolt PCIe-box and 16-bay rack-raid 25.May 2012
Microphones and mixer for DSLR filmmakers from Azden 24.May 2012
Soon beginners VDSLRs & Full Frame Canon, Nikon? 24.May 2012
4K for smartphones and tablets - OmniVision Announces appropriate sensors to 23.May 2012
Lowlight Shootout: Canon 5D Mark II vs Sony vs Panasonic FS100 GH2 23.May 2012
Tile-based Blender compositor disassociates herself inexorably closer ... 23.May 2012
Aldi flat wireless cheap Medion Life X47011 Camorder 22.May 2012
Falls soon, the 29 minutes 59 seconds video capture limit? 22.May 2012
Panasonic introduces Lumix Vario GX 2,8 / 12-35mm ASPH. / Power-OIS before 21.May 2012
Video Editing in Blender Blender VSE solid info at blog 20.May 2012
Unterwassergehaeuse with additional lens by GoPro 20.May 2012
4K EXR individual images from the Sony F65 to play with 19.May 2012
Canon 650D deal breakers or show stoppers? 18.May 2012
Video DSLRs and AA filter or not filter: That Is the Question 18.May 2012
Two new system cameras from Sony SLT-A37-F3 and NEX 17.May 2012
Kdenlive 0.9 is here ... 16.May 2012
European cinema statistics stable - and more and more movie documentaries 16.May 2012
Coppola's rules: 1 Original Screenplay two modern film technology 3 self-financing 16.May 2012
Perian strikes the sails ... 15.May 2012
Nikon D800 vs Canon EOS D4 5D Mark II vs. Nikon: Philip Bloom comparison 15.May 2012
Vincent Laforets NAB 2012 Highlights 15.May 2012
Evidence of HD video on the upcoming Leica M10 14.May 2012
100 tips a professional photographer - also interesting for videographers 14.May 2012
Icons and what they mean (not) 13.May 2012
Final Cut Pro X Shortcut table as a PDF 13.May 2012
Cinetics mini kates: Dolly the mobile 12.May 2012
Leica, Leica M before Monochrome 11.May 2012
Douglas Trumbull about 48fps on 11.May 2012
Compulsory pension insurance for self-initiated counter-petition 10.May 2012
Nuke NAB Preview 10.May 2012
Lidl: Waterproof 2-in-1 Silvercrest camcorder on sale 9.May 2012
Magic vs. SLR 25mm Voigtlander Nokton 25mm T0.95 F0.95 9.May 2012
LoiLoScope 2.5 - Ivy Bridge optimized video editing 8.May 2012
Nvidia SDI Out for Adobe Mercury Transmit 8.May 2012
YouTube with rolling shutter correction 8.May 2012
Expected decline in prices for SSDs 7.May 2012
Adobe Creative Suite CS6 is available - for download 7.May 2012
Lockport also HDMI for Canon EOS 5D and Nikon D800 MKIII 7.May 2012
Try setting a virtual light 6.May 2012
Call cameras stronger feelings out as a hammer? 6.May 2012
Review: Gini GH2 Cage 5.May 2012
Finally cleaned up - Gimp 2.8 is there 4.May 2012
Chrosziel LWS 401-440 Leichtstuetzsystem with a new universal 4.May 2012
Kinect meets DSLR New looks and new opportunities 3.May 2012
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon and RED SCARLET C300 against each cut 3.May 2012
Kick Starters: genius, motion control timelapse 2.May 2012
A Hoellentrip with Final Cut Pro X (and back again) 2.May 2012
The Clock - Film Art For reading 1.May 2012

[nach oben]

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last update : 28.März 2025 - 12:02 - slashCAM is a project by channelunit GmbH- mail : slashcam@--antispam:7465--slashcam.de - deutsche Version