[09:46 Sat,11.February 2017 by Thomas Richter] |
The new VXF Stock effects of ActionVFX to a bigger selection of classic effects offer than other agencies, not the audience through the use of the same old VFX pictures - bored - such as explosions. So ActionVFX for example, offers 45 different effect clips for the impact of balls, such as atomized concrete or by the cascade of soil particles for the visualization of impacting the ground floors or 57 different types of pistols and Strumgewehr-muzzle flash. These VFX clips can then be ge-keyt to simulate DESIRED effects in the footage. Offers include explosions in flames standing belongings, flying sparks, muzzle flash, Feuerbaelle, athmosphaerisches fog and smoke, and clouds of smoke and dust lens. The images arefilmed with a RED EPIC Dragon or Sony FS7 and are in the form of Apple's ProRes in different levels of quality (but usually 10-bit ProRes 4444) for disposal in Liquiditations 2 / 4K 60fps. They are both unge-keyed (.R3D and .MXF) and ge-keyt at your disposal. The license is valid for life and for as many project. There are also some VFX clips like Patronenhuelsen or dust clouds and smoke plumes and some sound effects of Kugeleinschlaegen as free downloads. PIC 1 Prices range for 2K shots between 10-20 dollars or for 4K shots between 15-30 dollars for individual effects or ordered by Theme Collections (fire, sparks, explosions) between 150-350 dollars or 200- $ 500 (4K). ActionVFX wants each Bild zur Newsmeldung: deutsche Version dieser Seite: ActionVFX Stock Effekte: Explosionen, Mündungsfeuer, Rauch und mehr |