According to Dell, the new UltraSharp UP2720Q, aimed at professional users, is the first 27" monitor with an integrated colorimeter for color calibration. It comes factory pre-calibrated (with a Delta E value of <2) and uses a 10-bit IPS panel with a resolution of 4K (3.840 x 2,160 pixels), a contrast of 1,300:1 and a (slightly below average) brightness of 250 nits (standard are 350 nits) - so HDR cannot be displayed.
Dell UltraSharp UP2720Q
Its color space coverage is very high, so it can display the Adobe RGB color space at 100%, the DCI-P3 at 98% and the new BT.2020 color space at 80%. The Picture-by-Picture function can also be used to display images in two different color spaces simultaneously next to each other. The built-in, fold-out colorimeter is compatible with CalMan software and performs a color calibration in Express mode in 4 and 10 minutes - the result is saved as LUT.
The Dell UltraSharp UP2720Q has a DisplayPort 1.4, two HDMI 2.0 inputs and two Thunderbolt 3 connectors: one for connecting to a PC (with up to 90W of power to power a laptop, for example), the other for connecting additional devices in series via Thunderbolt 3. Furthermore it offers a USB 3.2 Gen 2 hub with four ports (two support 5 GBit/s, two 10 GBit/s - one with power charging).
Dell UltraSharp UP2720Q with two color space display at the same time
For better ergonomics, the monitor can be tilted 21°/-5°, rotated 130mm in height, rotated 45° to the left and right, and rotated 90° (pivot) vertically for portrait use. The Dell PremierColor Monitor UP2720Q will be available from Dell starting January 15, 2020, at a price of approximately ,000 - including a glare shield to reduce annoying side reflections.