Now it's becoming commercial: A Chinese app has almost made it from a standing start into the country's own app charts. ZAO per se is relatively useless and can "only" mask its own face in Hollywood scenes to famous actors by deepfake/face-swap. However, this in more than acceptable quality. Especially as an app for everyone one has never seen such good deepfakes before, especially since only one profile picture should be enough for the creation.
Around the latter, a data protection Shitstorm has also been set on fire, as the producer company had the rights to any uploaded picture material assured. And of course nobody read the small print before the installation. Now the company has rowed back and has significantly defused the general terms and conditions, so that the image material is no longer to go to third parties. However, we can't imagine that the company itself holds all the rights to the Hollywood film clips on which its own face can be placed.
Well, anyway. What remains is the realization that DeepFakes are unstoppable. With all the social implications that have often been discussed here before.