[11:32 Fri,27.January 2023 by Thomas Richter] |
What makes sense in teleconferencing, video chats or video podcasts, looks creepy in films: Jurassic Park This is why it is usually strictly avoided (unless it is precisely to create the effect of deliberately breaking the illusion, as for example in Woody Allen&s "Annie Hall" when Allen&s character addresses the audience directly, or several times also in "Fight Club" by Edward Norton or Brad Pitt&s Tyler Durden. Hashimoto uses the "eye contact" effect to make Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando and Julia Roberts, for example, change the direction of their gaze in the middle of their speech and look directly at the viewer, who then feels directly addressed. On Hashimoto&s Twitter feed you can find more sample clips, for example from Jurassic Park, which demonstrate the strange effect of being looked at directly by actors in an unusual way (and the viewer is thus explicitly involved). Here are some more famous film examples in which the fourth wall is broken: more infos at bei twitter.com deutsche Version dieser Seite: Spaß mit NVIDIAs neuem Blickkontakt-Effekt: Robert De Niro schaut Dir in die Augen |