Was obvious at the last meeting, including Apple Keynote by Steve Jobs, the total devotion to the new mobile (entertainment) products such as iPad and iPhone and the lack of any Macintosh News. But this focus shift is only temporary or permanent? The big money and real growth in the income Aple achieved at least now more and more with the iPhone / iPod (and soon with the iPad) and not more with Macintosh hardware / software. And the new Apple&s own "ecosystem" that Apple has total control and thus the maximum profit in the form of income by software and hardware sales and by a quasi-tax for the posted on the devices external apps (30% for Apple) and content presented to them (30% for Apple) and advertising (40% for Apple) to a degree provides, as in Apple computers was never possible. These are the reasons for (soft) end of the Macintoshes would actually speak. Especially since Steve Jobs and the control would meet his fantasy with him for much more interesting possibilities offered new play equipment could be his design - there are many more opportunities to awesome new developments. And the general trend rather away from the desktop, and mobile solutions, whether they are smartphones or even small tablets (soon also with Android) the user continuously via wireless, faster, from anywhere with in the Cloud stored Dateninteragieren can connect. This does not exclude that Apple Macintosh continue lets just yet and sometimes the hardware upgraded, but if the majority of developers reassigned to other projects, or is for programs like Final Cut Pro 40 employees dismissed were (waiting, according to rumor) and important updates on, then can doubt the future of the Macintosh already seem justified. Maybe Steve Jobs surprised us again very powerful, even if he just said the following: "This year we focus entirely on the iPhone OS. Maybe we&ll take care of next year all around the Mac. Maybe. more infos at bei www.newsweek.com