Well, a test report for an encoder should have something more detailed, but the exciting thing is still in the article by Charlie White: Here is shown as a still a zehnsekündigen DV clips looks after with H.264 is extremely compressed. Of the 36 MB of the original clips, the clip to just 700 KB evaporated. Or put another way: On a normal floppy disk would be 20 seconds in the PAL video pass-appointed quality fit. Had these procedures been 10 years ago, where one would smooth the DVD as a video medium can be omitted. Or help H.264 perhaps now in the process, not only on the BluRay-HDDVD format war to establish? Finally fit so compressed HD video is also great on the already available dual-layer DVDs. BTW: The encoder is available in our "Post and Win" raffle marathon. more infos at bei www.digitalpostproduction.com