No later early March to be obtained according to various online leaks of new AMD processor Ryzen. And from all sides condense currently the rumors that the processor will actually buy in Stueckzahlen in the first quarter. So some stores already list individual processors and also pictures of the finished Dyes and Packshots flooding currently the network. On the sides of the motherboard manufacturers also dive forward to some AM4 motherboards. Given the large IT gazettes provide at least once a day an update about the latest Ryzen leaks. But why is the coming AMD processor darart hyped? The obvious explanation is that many users it finally expect a boost in processor development. As AMD decade ago actually built processors that Intelat eye level were, there was a huge price war and rather large Technologiespruenge between processor generations. Since AMD but with its Bulldozer architecture could not catch up with Intel's Core technology, it also left Intel something quieter with the development. Intel became the convenient desktop CPU monopolists who could determine the prices virtually alone. The new models will Ryzen as 4-, give 6- and 8-core versions, with AMD dominates a kind of hyper-threading, which is also open as many processors. The currently circulating benchmarks strongly suggest that AMD not significantly overhauled in the Performance Intel, but actually is on eye level. Especially with the 8-core top CPU (Ryzen 7 1800X) outperforms AMD while Intel significantly (about 600 instead1,100 euros). For 4K video editing could just be pretty interesting this CPU as new formats such as Panasonic's 4K 10 bit clips of GH5 bring a 6-core CPU as our i7-5820K 4GHz already fast the limit. Nevertheless, room for critical tones should remain: In contrast to the attacked IntelX99 platform, the biggest 8 Core Ryzen 7 1800X offers itself on top motherboards with AMD's X370 chipset only 24 PCIe Gen3 lanes. This may be closely for a mix of PCIe SSDs, 4K Preview cards and multiple GPUs. Especially if one thinks in workstation conditions, where you can use currently up to 80 Lanes on Dual Xeon Mainbaords. However, for those Markets AMD also still Naples announced in the next quarter. As the biggest question mark remains next to the actual availability for us more infos at bei