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New (4K) camcorders from Canon - XF400/405, XA11/15 and GX10

[11:35 Tue,12.September 2017   by Rudi Schmidts]    

This is a surprise: After not introducing any typical camcorder models with new technology in recent years, Canon today introduced five new camcorders. And three of them even with 4K (UHD/50p) recording, which is a novelty for Canon in this device class.

Four of the models are not typical consumer camcorders, but devices that are supposed to serve the pro-segment. This is already evident in the consistent XLR features of all devices. In addition, the sibling pairs XF400/XF405 and XA11/XA15 are almost identical in construction. The only difference is that the 5 Series models (XF405 and XA15) have an additional SDI output.

In addition, the Legria GX10 is a consumer model, which is also very similar to the XF400/405 models, but does not come with SDI or XLR.

The Legria GX10 from Canon

Canon XF400, XF405 and Legria GX10

The most exciting pair of triplets is definitely the XF400/XF405 or the GX10: Here a 1 inch CMOS sensor behind a newly developed 15x zoom lens with kb-equivalent focal length of 25.5mm - 382.5mm (F2.8-4.5.58mm filter diameter) is working. An integrated three-stage ND filter helps with too much light in the subject (ND1/4, ND1/16 and ND/64).

The camera can record in 4K UHD with up to 50fps and offers in FullHD also a 100 fps SlowMotion. The data is recorded either in MP4 or later in XF-AVC via firmware update, whereby only a data rate of 150 Mbit in 4K has been communicated so far. The Canon XF-AVC video format is expected to be available in the first half of 2018 with a future firmware upgrade and seems to be available only for the professional models of the XF series.

Two SD memory card slots allow either continuous or simultaneous backup recording. In addition to an analog remote control socket, there is even an Ethernet interface and integrated WLAN.

C-Log does not seem to be integrated as an image profile, but a wide DR mode, to which Canon assigns a dynamic range of 800%.

A supposedly 5-axis image stabilizer is supposed to reduce blur caused by camera shake and the sensor is also designed for the DUAL-pixel autofocus. The touch LCD allows, among other things, focus control. The various AF options include Face Priority AF and Face Priority AF, or only when a face is detected. The Dual Pixel AF Focus Guide is also available, which is already familiar from the newer Cinema EOS models. This function makes manual focusing easier by visualizing whether the subject is correctly focused.

As with many predecessor models, the XF400/405 comes with a detachable handle with XLR connectors, which allows the body to be significantly purified. The large fan slots are also striking, as they protect against overheating of the sensor and indicate an integrated fan.


Canon XA11 and XA15

The XA15 and XA11 are obviously another old friend in a new version number dress. While the really new XF400/405/GX10 models are equipped with a Dual DIGIC DV 6 signal processor, the XA11/15 models are "only" equipped with a DIGIC DV4 image processor that is already outdated. This allows the X11 and X15 to record a maximum of 50p full HD video at 35 Mbps. XF-AVC does not exist and was not announced by firmware update. Only AVCHD and MP4 are available as recording formats.


Overall, the two small models are almost completely similar to the already available models XA30 and XA35 since 2015, which in turn were hardly modified XA20 and 25 models from 2013.

The other technical data also give rise to suspicion: The 20x optical zoom (equivalent KB full format: 26.8 to 576mm) was already available with these values for the predecessors, but Canon writes in its current press release that "the new lens with optimized Hi-UD glass (...) is supposed to reduce chromatic aberrations". Wide DR and slow motion were also available from 0.4x to 1,200x.

The real news is therefore definitely the three 4K models XF400, XF405 and Legria GX10.

XA11 1499 Euro (October 2017)
XA15 1999 Euro (October 2017)
Legria GX10 2599 Euro (November 2017)
XF400 3199 Euro (November 2017)
XF405 3699 Euro (November 2017)

Link more infos at bei www.canon.de

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