[12:43 Tue,5.November 2024 by Thomas Richter] |
The top video AIs are in a constant race to create better images and introduce new features that give creators even more control over AI-generated images. Now, the American startup Runway has introduced some interesting new options to enable complex camera movements, making the generated videos even more cinematic. Until now, it was already possible to control camera movement, but it was very rough and error-prone in execution. With the new controls in the Gen-3 Alpha Turbo model, the camera can now pan left or right, up or down, zoom in or out, tilt left or right, up or down, or even rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Not only the direction of the movement can be defined, but also its intensity. The starting point of a new clip is an image specified by the user, which is then animated through camera movement and prompts. Conveniently, multiple camera movements can be combined for more complex shots, such as a horizontal camera pan with a circular sweep. How fast the camera moves depends not only on the settings but also on the distance to the subject in the image. Runway recommends specifying the desired camera movement further through an additional prompt, for example, to indicate which new image content should be shown during a pan or what should happen in the image during the movement. The interface also offers several complex preset camera movements, such as a "Close-Up Dolly In" or a "Close-Up Orbit Left" shot. Here is a demonstration of the new camera movements:
Less than two weeks ago, Runway introduced Act-One, a new tool for easy face animation, allowing any character in an image to be controlled by a video of an actor. This transfers the actor&s facial expressions to the reference image and generates a complete video clip from it. more infos at bei x.com deutsche Version dieser Seite: Neue Funktion für Runway ermöglicht cinematische Kamerafahrten |