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Sony wants to produce Hollywood films more cheaply with AI

[16:40 Sun,9.June 2024   by Thomas Richter]    

Sony Pictures Entertainment (including "Once upon a time in Hollywood", "Ghostbusters", "Spider-Man", "Men in Black") has been one of the major film studios in Hollywood since the purchase of Columbia. At an investor meeting, its CEO Tony Vinciquerra has now become the first boss of a major film studio to speak out and state where the journey will go in the future: With the help of AI, film production is to be made more cost-efficient. That film studios are indeed already negotiating with OpenAI in the background was confirmed in an interview by Bryan Lourd, the CEO of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), one of Hollywood&s leading talent agencies.

"We are very focused on AI. The biggest problem in filmmaking today is the cost. We will look for ways to produce films for both cinema and television more efficiently, especially with the help of AI."


AI in Film Production

This development was, of course, already to be expected due to the rapid advances of artificial intelligence in various fields, which are also influencing film production. It is also clear that the use of AI will lead to job losses in the film industry. This is why AI was at the center of the recent disputes between film studios (in the form of the "Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers") and the various unions of film industry workers. The latter are trying with all their might - as long as they are able to do so due to their power position - to regulate the use of AI in film production to prevent people from being increasingly replaced by machines.
The use of AI could be possible at all stages of film production, from the script to preproduction and design, through actual production, to postproduction. Video AIs for the complete generation of films would be just one of the possibilities to use AI, and currently the least production-ready - other more realistic applications at the moment would be virtual or deepfake actors, set, fashion, or character design by AI, voices (dubbing) by AI, AI styles, video filters, and backgrounds, AI-created extras, scripts, VFX, and much more...

The American actor and film producer Ashton Kutcher, who has access to OpenAI&s video AI Sora, describes the savings potential of generative AI as follows:
"Why film the establishing shot of a house on location for thousands of dollars when you can generate the whole thing for 100?"

Successes in the Fight Against AI

The fight against AI has recently been crowned by some successes - for instance, the Writers Guild of America (WGA), the association of screenwriters, was able to enforce that while authors or productions can use generative (text) AIs, they cannot be forced to use them, nor can this use lead to a reduction of authors and their pay. Additionally, the WGA reserved the right that the text material of the screenwriters it represents cannot be used to train AI.

generated by OpenAI&s Sora

Similarly, the actors& union SAG-AFTRA was able to reach an agreement that for the creation of any kind of digital replica of an actor or background actor, their consent must first be obtained, and compensation must be agreed upon. The film studios, on the other hand, would have liked to clone and use such virtual actor clones freely and without their consent.

That the use of AI - in addition to primarily the current technical possibilities and the quality of AI-produced images - is only limited by such contractual agreements with the creative unions is also confirmed by Vinciquerra:

"The agreements that came out of last year&s strikes, and the agreements that came out of the IATSE and Teamsters negotiations, will outline what we can do with AI."

footage generated by OpenAI&s Sora

Initially, the comprehensive use of AI is realistic in the area of animated films and perhaps also in the targeted, artificial distortion of real-shot images via AI-style transfer to create a very special look or - a bit more complex - to transpose the entire plot into a very special, AI-created world. Very soon, individual movie scenes, such as establishing shots, will likely be generated by AI.

However, AI-based software tools can also automate work steps without it being visually apparent in the result. Especially in the VFX area, one can expect - or look forward to, depending on perspective - significant workflow upheavals. For example, de-aging an actor, which was a mammoth task 15 years ago, is said to be possible practically in real-time on set, thanks to AI (once the system is implemented).

transfer examples

Link more infos at bei www.indiewire.com

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