We've just been talking on slashCAM about the free Resolve beginner's guide and the expected follow-ups and Blackmagic Design is already releasing the first volume of the professional series for version 17.
"The Colorist Guide to DaVinci Resolve 17" shows how to use the colour correction tools of DaVinci Resolve professionally. And it is worth a separate news item for us because the book really conveys 1A grading knowledge that you could hardly get anywhere for free in such a structured way.
The book first goes into the correct "balancing" of the clips and then leads into colour matching. This is followed by the special treatment of individual parts of the picture with masks and windows.
The book then goes into the possibilities of the Resolve interface, e.g. how to combine nodes or how to effectively use and manage grades across several timelines.
The optimisation of one's own workflow with groups or the render cache is also covered in detail.
In order to work through the more than 300 lavishly illustrated pages, a good command of school English is obligatory. In return, you will not only have mastered the basics of colour correction, but should also be able to spice up practically any project with an attractive look.
After reading the book, you can also take an online exam. If you pass this exam, you will receive a certificate from Blackmagic Design. If you want to become a professional colour grader, you might also find this useful for your first job.