[10:49 Sun,22.December 2019 by Thomas Richter] |
After YouTube had introduced the Online Video Editor in 2010 and crushed it again at the end of 2017 due to insufficient use, it has quietly and secretly risen again and since then has been equipped with new features. YouTube&s video editor isn&t a real replacement for a video editing program, but it&s just right for some tasks. Premiumbeat took a closer look at it in the linked article and describes its features in more detail. YouTube Video Editor Especially interesting - and in this form only available with the Online YouTube Editor is the possibility to add an interactive credits - this can consist of links (including thumbnail) to other self-chosen YouTube videos, to the last uploaded videos or from a call to subscribe to the channel. Another special function is to make faces or certain areas/objects in the video unrecognizable, e.g. to make people appearing in the video anonymous. The YouTube Editor is thus ideal for fast, easy editing and publication of videos on YouTube - but it can also be practical if a video has already been uploaded in a time-consuming manner and simple changes are to be made later, such as exchanging the soundtrack or cutting out a specific scene - without having to upload the video again. more infos at bei www.premiumbeat.com deutsche Version dieser Seite: YouTube Video-Editor: Was kann er und wann macht der Online-Schnitt im Browser Sinn? |