It is our pleasure to announce at this early stage the photokina video competition 2004 after a total facelift. What is new? People in Europe are invited to send at most three video films per entrant with a maximum duration of three minutes per film on the subject &Daily Events& to Prophoto GmbH. Entries are accepted from amateur filmmakers in Europe who submit to us ready-for-presentation films on the subject &Daily Events&, either on CD in .avi format uncompressed or on DVD. This is the starting signal for Europe&s great video competition! Closing date is 15 April 2004. After a first selection round the 30 best entries will be published on the homepage of Prophoto GmbH - From May to July 2004 internet users will give ratings to the selected 30 films.
The participation in Europe&s great video competition is rewarding in three ways. This is not only about competing with other amateur filmmakers from all over Europe - a first prize of € 2,500 awaits the winner. Altogether over €10,000 will be distributed among the 10 highest rated contestants. And there is more: All 30 selected films will be presented to national and international audiences at the trade fair photokina 2004, the World of Imaging, from 28 September to 3 October 2004 in Cologne/Germany."