Frage von R3D:Serz,
I'm just about me and general system together besides a good editing system, I would like a synonymous compositing progi use: AFX 7.0! The only question is whether or WIN MAC ... I've heard on MAC, there are still some problems with the new Adobe After Effects version - correct? Furthermore, how can you even more performance from the program fetch, RAM, video card - there is a maximum - that is, for example if I have 5 GB or 16GB ...^^ or is there a limit ...
Thank you!
Antwort von PowerMac:
The "problems" are simply slow. The reason is that all Power PC programs on the latest Intel-based Macs have to be emulated.
This is the beginning / middle of 2007 to change as soon as the Adobe programs natively on Intel-OS X is available.
If you absolutely want to have a system: Mac Pro, 4 GB RAM, ATI X1900, 4x3 GHz. This Final Cut Studio, so Apple Motion and Shake. Das rockt.
Antwort von R3D:
and if I can not wait until March but would like ....... AFX used and quickly!
By the Way: How rockt das denn ^ ^? I think what you will get more powerful for less with WIN Euros ....
Antwort von PowerMac:
Then you build a 4-cores Xeon itself ... It's the Mac Pro cheap.
Antwort von PowerMac:
How is paralyzed after Effetcs not. Often as the 4-cores G5, with some slower. You can however synonymous Windows AE s.Mac Pro operate.
Antwort von R3D:
The Xeon, however, is no longer the most powerful processor of Intel or ...? There are already new dual-cores .....( Lieg me wrong ^ ^)
Antwort von motiongroup:
same question differently just RED?
nichmal in which you create yourself ...
without the speaker after the marked, PowerMac and thou hast read in conjunction with FC Studio and Shake WASt need everything ... alone when authoring with Sonic have to go shopping around the price of a Mittelklasselimo.
Windows itself and the household can continue ..
Antwort von PowerMac:
This car spare me because I prefer to take and DVD Studio Pro, which is anyway part of Final Cut Studio. With a little scripting can do almost everything. And with DVD After Edit, you can still synonymous to DVD-level rumpfuschen.
Antwort von PowerMac:
The Xeon, however, is no longer the most powerful processor of Intel or ...? (...) The Xeon is the most powerful processor of Intel. Faster than Core Duo 2 Core and 2nd Yesterday was only a new 4-core version presented.