Frage von deti:
.... The turnover of the division's Consumer Products & Devices "with televisions, digital and video cameras declined by 27 percent to 773.4 billion yen. Bottom line, this division requires 2 billion yen operating in the red, a year ago Sonyhier posted a profit of 36.1 billion yen. ...
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, like many companies. Panasonic is synonymous here.
Supposedly Canon is not what we still believe in today's world can hardly.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

In Sonyist is probably due to the PS3 and Panasonic has probably verhoben the TV business.
Canon is not really s.Markt in both sectors, so we could not even believe the Canon is involved.
B. DeKid
Antwort von deti:

Even if Canon is not so great looking and are made here, however, no losses:
"The net profit has declined by 85 percent to 15.6 billion yen, operating profit increased 72 percent to 44.9 billion yen." Canon -senkt-seine-Umsatzprognose--/meldung/142664
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Financial Prognossen to Canon but are in fact reflective of the general situation was considered more as a positive.
What you wear is synonymous warmer the need you have probably noticed synonymous.
I think Canon makes itself very well - you should set clearly still on your horse - but ...
A NEW XH A and a new XL H ;-) hope the community would have to
And in terms of more quality in the direction EPSON plotters were synonymous drin.Das stuff to you.
Sonyim contrast, puts too much on different horses and has undertaken with some animals in the barn just too much.
In my view, one should do in certain areas - for example, the interesting stuff here, specifically consumer video camera market - for better and especially contemporary products.
And leave the DSLR market, especially where the synonymous been there for years are established. That's resulted in addition to the PSP and the PS3 and BD, one of the Probs to these figures. (; IMO)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Jan:

When I look at as the new look SonyDSLR A 230 (; plastic bombers), according to Color Stillimage similar image quality as a 200 - because there are only a few improvements (; Menu & toolbox). Canon and Nikon can not beat that has so now synonymous Pinned Samsung, and adoption of the market itself, synonymous Olympus introduces new strategies.
This will permanently for Sonynur red numbers indicate in which area, I think less that once they reach 10% market share - such as Japan manager would like them.
The Panasonic has red numbers that may actually arise because of the less Stillimage & camcorder sales, which sell SD 300, S 26 and the TZ 7 & FS 6 sliced like bread. Will probably agree - as DeKid - the TV sector.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
... Canon & Nikon & Pentax ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von idolum:

Exactly how it looks really straight at Pentax financially?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I think the Pentax due to their practicality synonymous continues to write good numbers .... ok you have noticed it to be synonymous of dollars worldwide are currently not so loose fit.
But Pentax pursued for years a Compensatory Strategy ... there is not so much "gambelt` ge "as in other companies listed above.
B. DeKid
Low Budget at looking for Pentax ;-)
Antwort von idolum:

At FT I found only Hoya, but Photscala I found it.
Does not seem to be so good, although increases sales. Well, yes Totgesagte known to live longer:-D
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The goal did not meet all ... Only some are simply compromising too much on and so MultiTasking from your own profit.
My dad says to the subject of the big companies still synonymous in the coming years will be s.Markt ... they have to stop just give the new market strategies.
Since he years for Metro Allkauf Tengelmann and has worked in leading Possitionen, he probably knows what he means;-P
As for me s.Sonyhalt is stürt only way that you always give their products a certain image to .... And so often to get into the crass blunders.
Whether it's the PS3, it was the PSP, it was BluDisc or the DSLR market .. there will be sold at very much an image of what we now simply can not hold more / was.
What I think the trend s.Olympus currently horny little compact is will provide Knipps Lenses to change the a whole new trend which would bring the jump on everyone else hopefully will.
B. DeKid
Once the first production stage adapter is synonymous s.Start I'm glad my Voigtländer Lenses Digital s.einer screws Take a photo,-P
Antwort von Jan:

According to Olympus numbers, it was synonymous imperative that was traded there.
Olympus has always been for specific ideas, maybe they will be lucky with the new strategy. With DSLR cameras, they are not much you can win 2010, so perhaps the switch.
It even goes so far that Olympus gives the dealers the right to return to DSLR cameras - which is, unfortunately, used to be synonymous s.and.
Is the right way in my opinion, Canon and Nikon have just too much market share and they will not deliver.
The loss of the Pentax is so small fancy, but I wonder already. If I still wonder how many Pentax cameras I've sold 2-3 years ago and now what is - Nikon, Canon, Panasonic, Canon, Nikon, Canon, Panasonic, Sonyimmer the same order .....