Frage von king_porno:
I voted for a customer Motiongrafix in the format 768 x 576 pixel quad pal
produced. Now he wants an animation format 1:1,85 have. How do I get? I have the relationship, with the same width (768px) and the calculated composition adapted my Height (407px). All I've burned to DVD and tested. Is that okay, or so I've s reasoning? The DVD will be on a projector display.
Thanks for your help
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Andreas,
the right Resolutionwäre 720 × 576 pixels with a pixel has been the aspect ratio of 1.422. That is what the specification for a DVD video set.
Antwort von king_porno:

ah, thank you. I will try try.
and this is then 1:1,85? sorry - but this format
are new territory for me:)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes. Simple mathematics. The pixels are 1.42 times as wide as high.
(576 * 1) * (720 * 1.42) = 1:1,85 corresponds 16:9
Antwort von Markus:

Your customer wants a 16:9 - Video. The
picture aspect ratio is exactly
16: 9 = 1.85 Since a DV - video (or DVD-Video) only 720 (× 576) and not 1024 (× 576) pixels in the Width can deliver 720 × 576 and an aspect ratio of 5:4 corresponding to the pixels in the Width withdrawn , to a picture of 16:9 to come.
1024: 720 = 1.422 The 1.422 is the
pixel aspect ratio.
[quote = "PowerMac"] (576 * 1) * (720 * [-1.42) = 1:1,85 = 16:9 [/ quote]
The computational time again for ... ;-)
Antwort von king_porno:

thank you for your help, but somehow Schnall ichs not: /
AE had created a new Comp 720x576 pal 16:9 widescreen.
had already rendered my imported clip and placed the bit was pulled together. If I export and I look
looks to be in widescreen. because it would have the top and bottom strips (letterbox) can occur. : / I do not buckle - what am I doing wrong
Antwort von Markus:
[s.widescreen project] When I use the export and watch me, not by the looks of widescreen. Lies Dir times through the following discussion. Perhaps you will then realize what happened:
Antwort von king_porno:

okay - so looks on my monitor only "wrong" from - when I use the file and burn to dvd via dvd player then yes it should look again? (Unfortunately can not test ichs - player is broken; /)
is this correct?
Antwort von Markus:

Yes, it should be. You could of course, previously synonymous try a software player, the PAR-indication (PAR = Pixel Aspect Ratio) is not ignored. ;-)
Antwort von king_porno:

oh thank you,
you can free me because NEN player friend - I'm working s.mac;)
Antwort von Markus:

No, unfortunately not. If I s.PC work, I have a video monitor on it. And if the video s.Computer (eg the Internet) should run, it will be converted to square pixels, so that at each user regardless of the player with the correct aspect ratio runs.
Antwort von king_porno:

aha - thank you anyway!
a versteh I still do not - if I've ne dvd - but sees the s.rechner and "equal" from. ; / Nix so stretched and so forth --
why do I have to file for tv or computer "optimize"?
wahrscheinich I understood nothing ... ;)
Antwort von Markus:
... if I had ne dvd - but sees the s.rechner and "equal" from. ; / Nix so squashed, etc. .. The Television presents videos properly, because he made videos properly. The computer does this with a DVD player software so in the correct manner, because the player software that PAR takes into account information of the video and the picture as given in the Width moves so that the aspect ratio is correct.
... why do I have to file for tv or computer "optimize"? That you need only do so if the video file solely s.Computer used and regardless of any player software correctly played.
These times synonymous read this story:
Pixel aspect ratio vs.
video. Computer
Antwort von king_porno:

okay - I understand;)
but I have my "video problem" as I said already on dvd burned - in the dvd player (software) but it still stretched out.
when I turn on correction s.die pixel sees it from widescreen properly synonymous. I render the file - burn it on dvd - and the dvd player it displays without pixel correction "- that is squashed. about it in wrong because?
Antwort von Markus:
when I turn on correction s.die pixel sees it from widescreen properly synonymous. I render the file - burn it on dvd - and the dvd player it displays without pixel correction "- that is squashed. about it in wrong because? Two possibilities: If the conversion to MPEG2, the format of 16:9 is not incorporated. Or when you create the DVD video, a 4:3-project basis.
Antwort von king_porno:

markus yo - thanks for your help;) unfortunately I do not come next.
I have not cut programs, have the clip from s.raus rendered (mov with Soerensen 3) and directly with toast as videodvd - no menu, etc., when burned loop. other software, I have unfortunately not; /
in this way seems not to work.
What can I do? As part of the radish to be tomorrow;)
I really NEN problem.
I can not not be synonymous to a file with 1024 × 576 and create the video as a dvd-burn? (That is, an external dvd player does not read?) Please help me out
Antwort von Markus:
I can not not be synonymous to a file with 1024 × 576 and create the video as a dvd-burn? (That is, an external dvd player does not read?) Please help me out Oje, it sounds really not good. What image formats the DVD-Video and so synonymous DVD player support, you will find on
Wikipedia. A broad picture than 720 pixels is not planned.
If there was the possibility that the video is not as DVD-Video, but as a video file to a DVD-ROM to provide? In this case you would with 1024 × 576 pixels right.
Last chance: Do you know someone with a "real" DVD authoring program, you spot it quickly can help out?
Antwort von king_porno:

okay - with the data isn super dvd tip - is because the 3 video codec Soerensen okay - or should I take something else (the dürdte but well compatible?)? otherwise try again ichs so:
I take 720 px Width 405 px Height (16:9) render this out - burn the file with toast - then, logically, are synonymous because the bar - if the widescreen then will it stop running magnified; / but at least it is widescreen anyway? ! I see it correctly (this is for ne beamer projection, since
is the entstehnden with the "fuzziness" is still manageable)
I really thought? lg
Antwort von Markus:
I take 720 px Width 405 px Height (16:9) ... That is correct. To get a widescreen, but the Resolutionnatürlich not hit. If the player software does not scale well, it is not going to look sooo good. And of course the wealth of detail dependent. For soft Farbverlaufsflächen the resolution is rather secondary.
Antwort von Axel:
Yes. Simple mathematics. The pixels are 1.42 times as wide as high.
(576 * 1) * (720 * 1.42) = 1:1,85 corresponds 16:9 Actually 1:1,7 period. This is not a common movie format, but a good middle between 1.66 and 1.85, the most common widescreen formats. No pig wants but tiny black bars above and below.