Frage von Pempi:
I hab da mal beginners ask one. When I pull HDV with Premiere 2.0 on the disk, how big are the files then?
In the old DV codec you could roughly say that one seconds is 3.5 MB in size
What does that mean for HDV?
Thank pempi
Antwort von Martin:

In the old DV codec you could roughly say that one seconds is 3.5 MB in size
What does that mean for HDV? That should be relatively easy ;-)
HDV with the same speed on the DV tape written as DV's, therefore has the same data rate. I would therefore already wondering if the file size significantly in one second would be different than DV ...
Antwort von Sebastian Hahn:

So, I tried habs time because my time is synonymous interrested, premiere indeed uses a codec from Cineform is great here with me one seconds (with Premiere Pro 1.5.1) 10.1 MB, in MPEG2, it would be there only as about 2.6, but not edit the one always uses the Cineform codec.
Antwort von Wiro:

nor a complement to:
HDV gem. Specification recorded in MPEG2 format, where there are basically 2 versions:
HDV1 = 1280x720 = 19 Mbps
HDV2 = 1440x1080 = 25 Mbps (data rate as DV)
Appro 1.5.1 and 2.0 of the house work out differently, as regards HDV editing. 1.5.1 convert on capture into Cineform Intermediate car, while 2.0 in native HDV.
So HDV2 consumed on a 2.0-APPRO system like much disk space as DV.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Tiny even less ...