Frage von drflori:
I am looking for my VX1000 Anamorphic one to make 16:9 images with full resolution. Unfortunately, the Soligor of no longer available (; were favorable, with ¬ 300) and Century only ¬ 500 new (and if at all available). Anyone who has cast a used günszig or knows a source? Ebay is currently nothing to find.
Antwort von Johannes:

Has still not at the Teltecvertreter reported strange;)
The is a little more than your asking price, but at the moment you will hardly get him cheaper. DV / Panasonic_AG_LA7200G.html/XTCsid/108c31375bacce3d2800de386fcfb360
Antwort von drflori:

Fits for the s.The SonyVX1000? The lens diameter is 52 mm, with adapter ring synonymous suitable for 58 mm. This Panasonic Converter for 72mm Lenses. Can we do that with adapter rings?