Frage von froggy:
if I have a 16:9 DVD Project in Photoshop for Encore DVD menu wants to tinker, I think there are two preferences to:
1024x576 with square pixels, or
720x 576 with a pixel aspect of 1.422
From her size should fit both. But what with the quality? Is there no preference which Resolutionich because suppose? ;)
And even a little bonus question;): When can I sound in Encore yes Dolby Digital, PCM and MPEG select. Does it ne the compatibility of what role I suppose? So should you prefer one or one does not take (regardless of the "size");)
Many greetings
Antwort von dietzemichi:

- With the square pixels, you are on the secure page. But come on authoring program.
- PCM is uncompressed sound, MPG sound is compressed and Dolby Digital brings you just what, when you have your sound as synonymous Dolby mix owns. So yes you can what it rhymes, which you in which case s.Besten fit ;-)...