Frage von joerg-emil:
I am interested in the SonyVX 2100 and meet on the net and synonymous here on contradictory statements regarding the 16:9 mode is concerned.
Lt. Sony "Specifications" states:
16:9 Wide (Full) Recording YES
What should the "full" hot now? The cam has a 4:3 sensor, so far, I would like to know whether, in anamorphic 16:9 mode is recorded and how the picture in the viewfinders and LCD is displayed. Or is it just a simple letterbox?
My old Canon XM1 anamorph has recorded, unfortunately, the picture on the LCD but synonymous anamorph shown absolutely grauselig for the image design ... makes the VX 2100 better?
I'm curious about the answers ...
Gruß Jörg-Emil
Antwort von WeiZen:

Purchase you a Z7 / 5 FX-1000 HDV to take in and let the camera downskalieren to capture DV in 16:9.
In the 2000s wars in any case letterbox and people here have often Anmorphoten of Century for the 2100 progress.
Antwort von Axel:
In the 2000s wars in any case letterbox and people here have often Anmorphoten of Century for the 2100 progress. Letterbox, rather anamorph (what you at this time "real 16:9" called it, is not "full", but "Ready"), but the fact is that the quality is well below that of an HDV image downskalierten lies. Of the SD cams could finally some good 16:9 Picture, one of the better was a Panasonic 500irgendwas.
The Century-suck my intentions are not much.
My tip: HD A (V or AVC) - Cam.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

1. The VX 2100 created a 16:9 anamorphic picture.
2. The quality suffers significantly lower, 4:3 is much better.
I have even tried!
Antwort von WeiZen:
In the 2000s wars in any case letterbox and people here have often Anmorphoten of Century for the 2100 progress.
Letterbox, rather anamorph no they took it to letterbox and anamorphic scaled it up.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hello and thank you for the valuable tips,
if the camera in 16:9 mode significantly poorer quality than in the 4:3 mode, it is for me not in question. My choice will then appear on the SonyHDR-FX1 fall, I think of the "sponsor" synonymous already have 90% convinced. Otherwise just the FX7 ...
Greetings from the Rhine and good rotation ...
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

I was synonymous of the VX2100 after FX1 changed. Good decision.