Frage von cg_music:Hello,
I was with a DV camera in the 16.9 format.
Then I got the material with Premiere 6.5 in widescreen mode (where everything is displayed correctly) cut.
Now I want to play a DVD with Nero Vision Express.
I have Timlin in the premiere as
AVI exported, in my opinion, still 16.9 format.
If I file with Nero and then also import 16:9 RESTRICT, are on the finished DVD is not only the top and bottom black bars, but also the right and left. ?
Who can help me. I think at first I've done everything right?
All this is very strange for me and I'm pretty desperate!
Best wishes and asking for help
Antwort von Markus:
Your description, the camcorder is not anamorphic ( "true") 16:9 recorded, but in 16:9 letterbox (ie 4:3 with black bars).
Furthermore, should in this case a 4:3-DVD have been created so that the visible picture is the correct aspect ratio, but s.allen pages of black bar is enclosed.
Or you can s.Deinem Television zurückzoomen?
Antwort von cg_music:
Thank you for your reply.
Really got me, however, not yet.
I have Sonyrecherchiert:
The camera has with so-called "16:9 Wide (Full)-Studio" is recorded, ie
but probably "anamorphic" (which is synonymous always does it for me?)
Test method, I at first with a 4:3 Project opened to the material: AND: "egg heads" ...
As 16:9 Project, as I said everything is in order.
So again: how do I get a DVD out on his regular television shows and black bars aud nem widescreen TV fills everything?
And especially not the left and right black bars?
I'm grateful for any help.
Best regards
Antwort von Markus:
Television was perhaps the movement? Otherwise I could not explain otherwise. Reinzoomen would be a common feature for 16:9 TVs, but rauszoomen ...?!
How does the DVD than on other DVD-Playern/Fernsehern?