Frage von dvwga:
Since a short time I have the Panasonic NV-GS500, and now have the first tape, recorded in 16:9 format, captured in Premiere. Film processed and printed on the ProCo2 as m2v and wav file. Now I would like about Encore 1.0 or 1.5 (both available, but none works with create) a DVD, however: it is always the message "s.abnormal condition has been detected". Unfortunately, I do not know why. The settings in Premiere, and Encore ProCo would have been correct, at first I thought it might s.den inserted into the menu settings for the photos is, but I have left out then and it still times you get this message. 16:9 The first time I filmed, so no experience with it. Perhaps there's anything in particular note here? The DV-FAQ and search I find nothing that could give me a hint why the question. If I did not forget to mention what is now, maybe someone has some advice / tip ready. Oh yes, do I capture of the Matrox RTX100Xtreme, for the Project Matrox DV Pal.16: 9
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Markus,
because no one has replied to you, I'd try my luck: To test whether any adjustment is to blame, that the project can not be output to DVD, try the following times:
16:9 capture some scenes of DV tape. Make sure that when you are capturing all the benchmarks to 16:9. Then a Premiere Project (DV PAL 16:9 run) and go into the project settings. There, click on the settings of the Matrox card and Take control whether there is synonymous everything to 16:9 (standard is 4:3).
If everything is import that gecaptureten scenes and put them into the timeline. Then the test film about "Matrox Realtime Export to Disk export". You control so that the hardware encoder of the Matrox card, which also provides a very good quality MPEG2.
Encore DVD, I can not give you detailed tips, I worked with a different authoring software. Start here also a new project to control all settings, import the MPEG2 transformed 16:9 test film and try to spend the Project on DVD (-RW).
In a second step, you can place the Matrox encoder to use the Canopus ProCoder times. Perhaps it shows, is looking s.welcher point the cause of the problem.
Antwort von geht schon:

Hello Mark!
Thanks for your answer. They are certainly useful tips, as I worked, for example, never with the Matrox encoder ('ll test out the time). The problem I have encountered after nearly one durchgemachte night then found myself yet. Depp in Premiere, I had not chosen the correct settings for the output (or rather the ProCo 2). A "small" stupid mistake, and we almost despair .....
Yet again a question: should I / should I put the pictures somehow synonymous (eg Photoshop) to another because of size 16, 9, or set in Premiere that the pics are to be adjusted?
Thank you again
Antwort von grovel:

[edit: just looked at the posting that the origin problem was solved, but let history be my now anyway ...]
The first versions of Procoder 2.0 created not quite DVD compliant MPEGs. Encore 1.x with the underlying Sonic Engine files are usually not accepted this, and demanded a re-compression. Other Authoring Programs took it, but this was probably a mistake, one created in Ulead DVD Workshop DVD (with one of Procoder 2.0 created MPEG) destroyed me my player (firmware needed) are re-contain old. From a crash or error of Encore, however, I have never heard of.
That was almost two years ago. Although that was never mentioned in the changelogs that have Procoder updates on this issue probably fixed by now (Note: The updates simply take the version 2.0). Encore accepts my ProCoder 2.0-mpegs at least without further comment.
If you incidentally Encore 1.0 or 1.5 is available, definitely use 1.5. 1.0 produces only incompatible scrap.
SeeYa grovel
Antwort von dvwga:

Hello grovel,
thanks for the reply. Is already some strange thing that can happen because everything happens /. I myself come with some things not quite so clear, often have the problem that simply playing certain files in Media Player will be stopped somewhere. Without ersichtlicen reason, it seems, because the files are incomplete or damaged (he likes schmeisst views from this message, but control over Premiere, or G-Spot show very clearly that this is not the synonymous and the other players play correctly ). But what if the whole computer / video world without these various problems? As long as one synonymous with the help of forums like this, finds solutions: cest la vie, or as the English say?