Frage von mator:
Hello video professionals,
I finally have a 16:9 video camera synonymous. The material is now
With Pinnacle Studio 10 on a DVD and can be brought synonymous
on my old 4:3 Television Watch. But unfortunately only stretched (long, thin people ;-)
My Television can not be converted to 16:9.
In my DVD player should really go - I thought --
but the menu-"Pan & Scan" and "Wide" disabled / gray.
Now I have dozens of Google Results tortured, but always less understand what I need for my Project synonymous s.heimischen 4:3 Television ungestaucht to be able to see.
Is it s.Pinnacle? Or s.TV? Or s.DVD player?
'm Huge on any help!
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

The video file must have when creating the DVD as a 16:9 format (in a menu should be a check can make). Best synonymous all over the DVD.
Antwort von mator:

When you create the DVD with Pinnacle because it is my opinion so nirgens make a check mark. On a 16:9 television, the DVD but synonymous correctly - It is just a 16:9 format. The only problem is on my 4:3 TV, the picture is stretched.
Antwort von mator:

What should I tell you ... does it all at once. I have the DVD again in the DVD player and put in the menu "rumgefummelt" and at once synonymous, I can switch between formats. Suddenly gehts .... what do I know in advance what was going on.
The black bars above and below are pleasingly thin ... and the thin people have returned to their normal weight ;-)
Thanks s.alle who have hard with me!
How was that it was in the ghost stories Stapling?
Strange, but it is written .....