Frage von juergen.:
Hello and servus in this huge forum! 've Already read a few articles with you and believe that you are here what you have built up quite nice. Unfortunately, I could be a problem to me what the last 3 days is not enough to solve. Forgive me if there is somewhere an article about the underground, but in my case, it is perhaps synonymous somewhat specific. To the point:
I'm filming with a Panasonic NV-GS 120 3-chip camera (1.7 megapixels). So now .. I did 3 days ago for a colleague at a party shoot müssen.Das program was unusually long 2.5 hours. Now it's my job, so this video to a DVD (burn 5) that the quality as good as possible is preserved. A menu should still synonymous draufpassen. The party was sponsored, and now all the sponsors want copies. Here, it is really very important to get the best possible compression out. My budget is sufficient for Kompressionssoftare to 1000 ¬. Now I ask directly here with the professionals to buy what I want! The rendering process may take several hours because of me. Import it would be good if I received the files directly into DVD-lab Pro could. Please help me out of trouble because otherwise my promotion tour to a bad start put s.den day would. I thank you already very much in advance!
Love Greetings
PS: The 2.5 hours of video evidence at the moment as 31 gigabytes of AVI file (If this information should be relevant)
Antwort von rush:

Just look at your huge avi file to mpeg2 to try to walk ... da gibts quite favorable variant, probably even freeware ... or cut in your program if you've used one .... * g *
is how large the file, it depends how much discussion of the data rate from ... easy to use bitrate calculator mal nen tinkering or ...
the final mpeg2 file should then be easily imported into your DVDLab to ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Want to actually burn the entire 2.5 h uncut on DVD?
If I did not make the following reasons:
1. You need when the data rate MPEG2 encode runterschrauben the extent that the image quality seems to be clearly deteriorated.
2. Just looking at the 2.5 h NOBODY, because it is much too long and probably synonymous s.vielen bodies would be too boring and you have certainly synonymous times the camera panned or just grottenschlecht subsets are there.
Cut the whole Gerödel on MAXIMUM 1h then kannste with maximum data rate and ensure optimal quality video on DVD.
Cutting it to 1.5 hours and you have a variable bit rate with VBR and an average data rate of 6000kbit / s still pretty good quality.
Uncut do you do neither you nor your sponsors a favor.
Antwort von Findubius:

I am thinking only. ran sit down now and cut the material on ne std
Antwort von WeiZen:

With the Canopus Procoder You will see synonymous with low bitrate no difference. With 2.25 hours, I have done this before, but with the smaller brother, the Procoder Express.
The Procoder is in contrast to the PCE is the setting mastering quality.
Antwort von Markus:
... You'll see synonymous with low bitrate no difference. Where the achievable quality at lower data rates not only by the encoder, but synonymous depending on the material to be compressed. If the recordings much noise or / and motion are very detailed and rich, you can not synonymous a professional encoder protect artifacts.
For longer maturities should be synonymous compresses the audio track, such as Dolby Digital (ac3). When the data rate for stereo audio up to 192 kbp / s can be lowered without an audible difference to the original PCM sound is created. The audio compression has the advantage that the Picture may vary correspondingly higher data rate, without changing the total capacity of the DVD will be exceeded.
The menu (especially if there is only one "is silent menu") does not require significant space on the DVD.
Antwort von WeiZen:
... You'll see synonymous with low bitrate no difference.
Where the achievable quality at lower data rates not only by the encoder, but synonymous depending on the material to be compressed. If the recordings much noise or / and motion are very detailed and rich, you can not synonymous a professional encoder protect artifacts.
For longer maturities should be synonymous compresses the audio track, such as Dolby Digital (ac3). When the data rate for stereo audio up to 192 kbp / s can be lowered without an audible difference to the original PCM sound is created. The audio compression has the advantage that the Picture may vary correspondingly higher data rate, without changing the total capacity of the DVD will be exceeded.
The menu (especially if there is only one "is silent menu") does not require significant space on the DVD. Is that true with the 192 I had forgotten to mention, much less in doubt. TV stations transmit when it is not AC-3, with either 128 or 192nd
Denoising can advance with Avisynth. This is synonymous with low bitrate important because the encoder interprets the noise as a movement and therefore wasting their bit rate to represent the noise top again denoising), so only with Avisynth and Convul3D the filter, then encode. The Avisynth Sript can be used as source material in both encoder. Because Audioknaksern, convert the audio separately.
Antwort von juergen.:

Thank you for your great tips!. I do think that the times I tried with the Canopus Procoder. You know, my problem is now synonymous times that seamlessly together in this film, the program passes and all of our program are linked. When I think what rumschnipfel None looked more content and that would be very bad. If the mentioned program of Canopus very complicated to operate? I have done what encoding does not concern very much experience. Get me to ask the same times thereafter. So thanks again for your support! Share Become the forum.
Love Greetings
Antwort von WeiZen:

not really. If you have it and can not cope, just ask.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

The Procoder 2, it is quite cheap here: # itemno1
Antwort von GhostDog:

So again thank you for your great tips!
I am full of enthusiasm and all of the Canopus software! That provides a quality that I'm just so amazed. He has pushed down to me the video to 4 GB and I am not even remember a difference to the raw material.
Of course, the basic recordings were already in top quality with the 3 Fußstativ since I've gefilm. But really klasseTip. Thanks again specifically to "wheat"! Liebe Grüße Jürgen
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Kan it be that there is out there still Leutz there who do not know the Procoder (Express)?
Antwort von WeiZen:
So again thank you for your great tips!
But really klasseTip. Thanks again specifically to "wheat"! Liebe Grüße Jürgen Thank you, I was a pleasure.
Antwort von der loehni:

Canops encoder express ... not yet ... I know the question: how fast is he?
Quallitativ I am so synonymous with the encoder of MainConcept satisfied - but the speed is very slow (approximately 1:3,5). With the cce encoder I reach a speed of approximately 1:1 (1 hour video takes 1 hour to encode). How siehts since the Procoder out with?
For example, convert a DV Avis 8500kbs cbr into an Mpeg2 with? (my calculator: 2.2 Ghz Athlon XP, 768MBRam).
If the part is fast, I would still invest smooth times the 51 ¬.
And can run several times this part? I render most of the night - and then let encode the same time always ... 4-5 videos that should be ready by then in the morning.
Antwort von prem:

Since I first got him fit, I must still quite new. So I had to
Bitrate runterschrauben been properly and has rendered it the whole 3 hours. I was just the important and the quality was sharp.
Jürgen Grüßle
Antwort von matthew:

Can one even in ProCoder hinzuschalten not a entrauschungsfilter?
So it would basically be no probs, if I encode the audio next time with 192 (mpa)?